In celebration of Spirit Week, the Cabrini College community gets ready to participate in events and traditions. This year the celebration and honorary week… Read More
Today we learn of health care issues that personally affect homes around the world every single day. In the classroom, topics often focus on developing countries and the hardships of sustaining just resources.
Johanna Berrigan, co-founder of medical clinics in both the Kensington section of Philadelphia and in Haiti, explained the dire need of Haitians both before the January earthquake and even more so now.
A Catholic bishop, renowned for a lifetime of work for peace and justice, praised Cabrini’s unique Justice Matters curriculum during a recent visit to… Read More
Fair Trade, one of the most popular justice movements hitting our society, came to life for students when they met a Fair Trade farmer in their class recently.
Halloween is the one time during the year where one can express personality, fear and complete craziness.
Or as the oh-so-memorable character from "Mean Girls" once said, "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girl can say anything.
To promote a safe environment for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and questioning students, the Office of Diversity Initiatives held another Safe Zone workshop to train faculty and staff to promote an environment that is safe for all.
Melissa Waters, director of student diversity initiatives, conducted this training on Friday, Oct.
Cabrini Commuter Crew, also known as C3, is a new organization that was brought to Cabrini last year. The mission of this organization is to create events that are available for commuters while on campus during school hours.
Since this club is new, all officers diligently work together to organize dates and events, essentially becoming the "voice of the commuters.
The proposal for the alumni blog was introduced at the Loquitur 50th anniversary celebration, Saturday, Sept. 26, by Dr. Jerry Zurek, Loquitur adviser and chair of the communication department.
"There are so many great communication majors that are awesome writers.
"Fame I'm gonna live forever I'm gonna learn how to fly high," "Fame."
Those are the famous song lyrics that as children we heard our parents say. It was from the best movie ever.
Today it seems as though our culture and creativity have been put on a boring and lame kind of a streak.
While walking down the long squeaky hallways of Grace Hall, it is only natural to bump into a new face, one being Dr. Lisa Delgado, Cabrini's newest addition to the business department.
With a large grin, Delgado is quick to open her door and ready to get chatting.
At Cabrini College, students are certainly not limited to the opportunities of studying abroad and visiting countries that some only dream about.
Although Cabrini is a beautiful and scenic school, after several years it may be time to travel to places that lie outside our driveway.
Not only have Thirsty Thursdays become a hit trend; they have certainly become a custom at Cabrini and other colleges and universities across the country.
Thursdays have become the unofficial start to the weekend in the college world, but why?
Recent studies have shown that binge-drinking rates are increasing at the college level and affecting students' overall academic performance and GPA.
Health officials lately are making the speculations and connections of how certain foods can prevent and fight cancer. An article from CBS -Baltimore recently discussed the interesting link between spices and the possible prevention from cancer.
The whole idea is to take everyday spices from the kitchen and apply it to the patient.
Season 2, Episode 3: Celebrating Cabrini and Digging into its Past
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