
76ers future arena disrupts the Asian culture

In July 2022, Philadelphia’s Chinatown received some news that could disrupt its way of life, culture, and work. The managing partners of the Philadelphia… Read More

76ers future arena disrupts the Asian culture

In July 2022, Philadelphia’s Chinatown received some news that could disrupt its way of life, culture, and work. The managing partners of the Philadelphia… Read More
the editorial board

A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each… Read More

Letter to the Editor: What will you do to end the silence?

Students such as myself, who are a part of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community, faulty and allies, went 5 1/2 hours without speaking to represent the bullying that goes unnoticed in the LGBT community.
featured perspectives

The unattainable luxury of eating disorder treatment

If someone told my younger self I’d eventually publish an article about my experience with bulimia and the search for treatment I would’ve called… Read More


A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each… Read More

Growing up Cabrini

Some of my fondest memories growing up take place at Cabrini University. Thanks to my dad, Chris Protesto, Cabrini’s assistant director of facilities and… Read More

Eleven minds, one mission

The spring semester brought with it a new challenge for the Loquitur newsroom: we were left with 11 total staff members. In addition to… Read More

Navigating the confusion

Since the start of the year, communication from Cabrini’s leadership has disappointed students. This year’s running theme is the administration’s lack of transparency and… Read More

The unattainable luxury of eating disorder treatment

If someone told my younger self I’d eventually publish an article about my experience with bulimia and the search for treatment I would’ve called… Read More

To be a Cav

When journalism matters most

On Mar. 10,“20 Days in Mariupol” won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film shows Ukrainian journalist… Read More

Loquitur carved my path in life

Looking back on my four years at Cabrini, one of my biggest accomplishments and the project that I spent the most time on was… Read More

The last first issue

This year marks the Loquitur’s 65th anniversary. The new year stirs up many emotions. With the calendar turned over to 2024, people begin to… Read More

How reading changed my life

When you hit rock bottom, life doesn’t just throw you a lifeline. Instead, it challenges you to find an anchor within yourself, something that… Read More

Shoulders to lean on

"Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us," said an anonymous source. What defines friendship? To me, a friend is someone that I can talk to about anything and always depend on when I need someone to pull me through a rough time in my life. A friend is someone that I can act like a complete moron in front of, and (s)he will laugh right along with me.

Accessibility, rumors and cash

Accessibility has been an issue for quite some time. Last March Loquitur reported on how accessible Cabrini's campus was for handicapped students. The report showed that many areas around campus were not made with handicapped students in mind. Last year none of the doors that access The Hamilton Family Foundation Wing, which houses Cabrini's communications center, were accessible for the handicapped.

Four years of forming friendships

Even though I shared a room comfortably fit for one with two other girls and didn't have the luxury of my own bathroom, I must say, freshman year in Woodcrest wasn't that bad. In fact, it was one of my most memorable college years. I met a lot of new people and formed meaningful friendships.

Drudging through the damper stages of college and life

Hundreds of things to do, thousands of hopes and dreams, a million expectations and about a billion obstacles standing in my way. Where am I going? What am I becoming? Why am I doing all this? Is it for me or is it to meet those expectations that have been forced upon me by everyone else in my life? I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but inside, I just feel lost.

No meat on Fridays is not fair

Picture this. You're a college student, and you're hungry. You wander over to the Wigwam in search of a tasty juicy cheese steak only to find out that because it's Ash Wednesday, a Catholic holiday, meat will not be served at all. Then you go on to find out that meat will not be served at all every Friday until Easter.

Communication center unacessible

Why did I choose to come to Cabrini? Well the main reason, I was told of all the resources that I could use. Being an English/communications major, I was told I would be able to use many things such as: the radio studio, the computers in the Mac lab or the Windows lab, the digital cameras, the video editing room and sometimes the video studio.

E-mail or snail mail: technology imposes on old fashion ways

Ryan Mulloy What can you do online? Last time I checked, you can do just about anything you want and you can do it in a matter of seconds. But let's say, for a second, that the Internet didn't exist. Let's say that there's no such thing as e-mail. Ready for this little exercise? Great.

Plagiarism…easier than ever? and Leadership: Cabrini’s strongest muscle

In college courses, we are continually engaged with other people's ideas: we read them in texts, hear them in lecture, discuss them in class, and incorporate them into our own writing. As a result, it is very important that we give credit where it is due. Plagiarism is using others' ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information.

Party, parking and public safety change not for the better

After reading Catharine Hernson's perspective "Public safety cracks down hard on athletes," I realized that public safety is cracking down on everyone since last semester. You would think that public safety would be harder on the students in the first semester of school since we are just coming back from a three month break and a little more lenient in the second semester.

Handy advice for the boys from the girls

Applicable location: Cabrini College. Topic: Oh, no he didn't. Have a seat, boys, this could take awhile. It seems as though a large amount of our time as women is expected to be devoted to primping ourselves for the mere satisfaction of your approval.
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