Christine Ernest

Articles by Christine Ernest

Glam: Rolling Stone’s four-letter word

Everyone is familiar with the plethora of reality television shows invading prime time programming each night. Don't get kicked off the island. Design an evening dress for a superstar model. Find a nanny to control insanely bratty children. Now the newest scheme to thrown in with the bunch: write the best story, secure a position with Rolling Stone Magazine.

Phantom Planet heads Spring Fling concert

It's becoming tradition that after the dust settles from the daytime events of Spring Fling, a large-scale concert will take place. This year's Spring Fling concert will be April 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Dixon Center. It will consist of headliners Phantom Planet with support provided by Pepper's Ghost and Cabrini College's own The Company.

CD Review: My Television Personalities’ “My Dark Places”

One of the biggest cult bands in the past 30 years, The Television Personalities, is about to release their first album in 11 years. If you've never really gotten into them, don't fret because you've heard them in some way or another, since they have influenced most of the pop music that is in your own personal collection today.

Arts and Living Podcast for the Week

Arts and Living Intro Trend: Movie satires--highlights the trend of movie satires on the internet. Mates of State record review: "Bring it Back" Zombies invading culture: covers the trend of zombies popping up in movies, films, books and video games. Television Personalities record review: 'My Dark Places' Rolling Stone gets new reality television show: info on how to apply.

Hearing loss blamed on iPods

Gina McCabe, a senior psychology major, just received an iPod Nano for Christmas. Delighted with the gift, McCabe listens to the MP3 player walking on the way to class, running errands and while using the gym facilities in the Dixon Center. "I wanted an iPod because life is just better with a soundtrack.

Local theater organizes toy drive

The Lantern Theater Company of Philadelphia has organized a toy drive to benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of Philadelphia. The toy drive will be hosted all during the run of "The Foocy," Anthony Lawton's world premiere puppet comedy. Toys will be collected in the Lantern's lobby until Jan.

Movie preview: ‘On The Outs’

A new film is about to hit theaters that will give viewers a glimpse of what some of America's youth are facing, while highlighting the family and social environments that shape their choices in today's world. "On The Outs" is a fictional film highlighting the story of three girls trying to survive in an inner city.

A day in the big apple: Helpful tips for students visting New York City

New York City provides a look into a powerful cultural hub of the United States that is only a two-hour trip from the Cabrini College community. New York City is divided up into five boroughs; Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Since the city is so big, it is often recommended that one has a plan of all the places they want to hit up once they get into the city.

Covers to please all

“This Bird Has Flown: A 40th Anniversary Tribute to the Beatles’ Rubber Soul” The Beatles’ “Rubber Soul” was orginally released in 1965, and was… Read More

Hot Fall Music Picks

You know a good record when you hear it, something inside you just twinges and your ears seem to perk up. No one can ever pinpoint why an album becomes a permanent fixture in his or her CD collection. It's either the vocals or the catchy guitar line or some distant percussion part.

Villanova hosts speaker Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Desmond Tutu reached more than South Africa with his message of restorative justice. His message of "healing justice" made an impact on his audience last Wednesday, Oct. 6. A couple thousand were in attendance at the pavilion of Villanova University to hear Tutu speak of his experiences with his time spent on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa.

Blog addiction

The Internet serves as a giant diary for the public at large to display their daily adventures and thoughts. In the few last years the trend of online diaries, or blogs, has blown up faster than big hair back in the 80s. There are many types of online diaries available on the web.

Comprehend: Don’t ‘throw a vote away’

A majority of college students should make careful considerations before voting in this upcoming election for one simple reason: they just do not fully understand the issues. It is a known fact that college students are well-educated young adults that are given the opportunity to exercise their right to vote, but the truth is that most of the issues that are presented to them via the election are still too complex.

Nobel Peace Prize winner to speak at Villanova University

Cabrini College will be co-sponsoring the presentation of Bishop Desmond Tutu, winner of the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, in the Pavilion at Villanova University on Wednesday, Oct. 6th. Tickets are $5 for students and $15 for faculty and staff. According to Nobelprize.

Future election events for students

Cabrini College has many activities planned around the presidential election that will appeal to every political view. The atmosphere has been filled with a political flair lately around the college. Red, white and blue signs adorn every piece of blank wall, encouraging students to get involved in this year's election.

New look for commuter program

Commuters have new developments to look forward to at Cabrini College. Unlike the commuter club that used to exist, there is now a commuter program for Cabrini's non-residential students. There will still be the commuter lockers, and lunch time movies, but look forward to seeing more events for the commuting students of Cabrini College.


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