Antonio Masone

Articles by Antonio Masone

Campus blackout causes frustration

On Monday Aug 25, at approximately 10 p.m., Residential Boulevard's houses four through seven lost power due to an electrical overload. According to the assistant director of resident life Angie Hodgeman, the blackout was due to an over loaded circuit breaker that was responsible for the power of the four houses.

Sounds of summer

As the weather gets warmer, parking lots at stadiums throughout the city will be packed with concertgoers tailgating, waiting for their favorite performers to take the stage. With summer a few weeks away, Cabrini students are beginning to fill their summer schedules with as much excitement as possible.

U.S. troops 50 miles from Baghdad

Fifty miles in Pennsylvania could measure almost the distance from Philadelphia to the Lehigh Valley. For the troops pushing towards the Iraqi city of Bahgdad, 50 miles means the difference between victory or defeat. On Tuesday April 1, the decision was made to push those 50 miles.

Career Watch: Getting a job while surfing on the net

The so-called "real world" is around the corner. For most students, the everyday nine to five responsibilities of working for a living is a chilling thought. "Set your goals first," assistant director of the cooperative education and career services, Kristie Conway Beucler said.

Men’s basketball team goes 3-1 over winter break

While the general population of Cabrini students was spending Christmas break with their friends and families, the men's basketball team was at school, practicing daily, anxiously awaiting their next game. Over the one-month span that most would call "break," the men's basketball team played four games, three of the games home and the last away.

Field Hockey wrap-up; positive outlook for next season

The final game of the Lady Cavs' post-season came in the form of a 6-1 loss to College of Misericordia on Saturday Nov. 2. The game was close up to its midpoint. Misericordia scored its first goal four minutes into the game. Cabrini answered back with a goal only seven minutes later scored by sophomore right halfback Julie Smith.

Cross-country looks forward to next season

The cross-country team wrapped up a disappointing 2002 season with its final meets, the Cabrini invitational on Sat Oct. 26, and the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship on Nov 2. The Cavs' hosted the Cabrini Invitational, which took place at the Belmont Plateau in nearby Philadelphia.

Student musician stands by ideals

Daniel Shaw loves music more than a person can imagine. This is obvious to anyone who enters his little off-campus apartment. A few randomly scattered guitar cases and amplifiers lay in cluttered corners of the living room. Down the hall in Shaw's room, he has a collection of acoustic guitars that would shock a normal person, but he is a musician and this is array of instruments is his collection.

Senior writer looks back and prepares for graduation

Senior English and communications and Spanish major Rene

Improv opens year with high expectations

The Improv troupe "On the Spot" hosted its first show on Monday night, Sept. 30. The group is currently made up of four Cabrini students, with the hope of adding a few more after this week's auditions. The four current members of "On the Spot" are sophomore political science major Devon Spratling, junior English and communications major Brian Fry, junior psychology major Heaven McMickel, and senior English and communications major Kit Dewey.

NCAA proposals to make changes

The National Collegiate Athletic Association voted on 11 proposals this past January affecting Division III schools such as Cabrini. Most of the rule changes would cut down on the hours of athletic participation to force student-athletes to focus more on academics.

Lax player finds place at Cabrini

The decision of what road to travel after high school graduation was a tough one for William Charles Cordts Jr. This would be the first time that he and twin brother Brian would be separated since birth. Cordts had been recruited to play football by a few state schools in N.

Health Watch

Taking a short "power" nap during the day can increase productivity and improve the quality of nighttime slumber. Studies done by Harvard University show that a short nap after lunch may be a more effective source of revival than the traditional post-lunch coffee break.

The path we choose

The end of the road is near. One thing for certain, the road was without a doubt well traveled. The paths and turns I chose to take were undoubtedly different from those of which others would have chosen, but I have no regrets. My final semester or what appears to be my final stint here at Cabrini has neared its end, so long as I make it through this final semester unscathed.

Sports trainer getting athletes back in action

Cabrini has employed head Athletic Trainer Meeghan Roth since August 2002. Before coming to Cabrini, Roth worked in the office of Cabrini's current sports medicine and rehabilitation doctor, Dr. McShane. McShane employed Cabrini's ex-trainer, and informed Roth of the upcoming job opportunity.

Girls gone wild

Let us not start this off on the wrong foot, these are just my feelings; DO NOT take them the wrong way. Any way the situation is looked at, I absolutely love everything about girls. Guys, think about how unbelievably powerful girls are. In no way am I saying that I "have a way with the ladies," or that I am overflowing with knowledge of the opposite sex, but I do have some credible, or if you will, incredible experiences under my belt.

A warning would have been nice

Upon entering my house, heading towards my room, I noticed that all of my housemates' as well as my own belongings had been cleared from the hallway. At first I was thinking, "Who in the world would want a bunch of dirty sneakers and cleats, a few smelly lacrosse bags, and a roll of artificial turf?" A few minutes passed and I recalled seeing a public safety jeep with a roll of turf on its roof only an hour or two before while running with the lacrosse team during practice.

Need for Speed

The last thing a college student wants to spend their already scarce money supply on is a speeding ticket. Although young adults are said to be the most reckless when it comes to driving, they are also the least capable when it comes to paying up. Sophomore internet computing major Annie Nguyen received a ticket for driving 10 mile per hour over the speed limit on King of Prussia Road, and running a red light.

Electoral carnival of celebrities

Many onlookers have compared the California recall race to an electoral carnival, with celebrities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Flint, and Gary Coleman running in the Tuesday, Oct. 7 election. Although Schwarzenegger is receiving a good deal of support, women's groups have protested against the republican candidate.

Nonverbal communication, crucial to interview success

Finding a decent job after college requires not only a good resume, but proper interview etiquette as well. Throughout an interview, an employer will ask the potential employee questions regarding the position being applied for, but things such as posture and attire can be equally important.


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