Nonverbal communication, crucial to interview success

By Antonio Masone
September 11, 2003

Finding a decent job after college requires not only a good resume, but proper interview etiquette as well. Throughout an interview, an employer will ask the potential employee questions regarding the position being applied for, but things such as posture and attire can be equally important.

Making it to the interview early is also important. According to English and Communications professor Dawn Francis, it is important to plan the trip to the interview ahead of time. Take the number of the hiring manager and a road map to the interview.

“It is important to have the number of the hiring manager, because if by chance you are running late, call the office and give an exact time of when you will arrive.” Francis said.

It is important to wear a clean suit with a pressed shirt to the interview. According to Francis, even if the job is one where jeans and flip-flops are regular attire. “A suit will prove that you respect the job that needs to be done.”

“Mannerism is very important. Sit up strait and lean a little forward, this will show that you are being attentive,” Francis said.

“Nonverbally, you are the message, before you say a word the employer will sized you up in less than 30 seconds,” Francis said.

For more information about interviews, visit

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Antonio Masone

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