Christy Ross

Articles by Christy Ross

Speaker pushes beyond the walls of the classroom

An administrator from Notre Dame University said that Catholic colleges should put the "Catholic" back in Catholic college. On Thursday, Nov. 15, Reverend William Lies, executive director of University of Notre Dame's Center for Social Concerns, spoke to members of the Cabrini community as well as several Notre Dame alumni.

Shop ’til you drop right at home

Online shopping is a popular pastime on the Internet. Every day more people opt for the quick and easy online-shopping over actually going to the store and purchasing what they want. Over the past few years, as people and computers became more high-tech, many stores decided to add their own online store.

Are you ready for flu season?

Colds affect more than a few students. Living in close quarters often adds to the transmission of illness from student to student. As the next few months approach more students will become victims of a common cold or even the flu. What many students are unaware of is that with only a few simple changes in one's everyday routine, one can ward off many illnesses.

Celebrity overload

When it comes to celebrities and the law, I have heard enough. Everyday there seems to be a different celebrity somewhere in the world breaking some different law. I will admit that celebrity gossip takes up about 85 percent of my life and I am addicted to reading all about who is cheating on who, who's in rehab and so on, but as far as the law goes, I'm over it.

1957: Hit Films

Cabrini College has come a long way since its opening in 1957. The 43 women from the first graduating class probably imagined nothing even close to what Cabrini is now. Fifty years have passed and I'm sure those 43 women still remember exactly how their first day at Cabrini College went, maybe what they wore and probably their favorite movies of the time.

HBO documents the lives of wounded soldiers

Everyday a new solider is injured in Iraq. Families fear about their loved ones fighting for our country. We hear about the deaths and the injuries but never see the obstacles that these wounded soldiers will face when they come home from Iraq. Last week, under the direction of Soprano's star, James Gandolfini, HBO ran a week-long documentary entitled "Alive Day Memories: Home from Iraq.

Flava Fest won’t be fresh out of goodies this year

"Hip-hop artists are often blamed for promoting violence and misogyny in their music..." Freshout Media said in their press release sent out on August 27. Freshout Media, along side of Goodie Goodie Productions, two Philadelphia-based marketing services companies, are out to change this stereotype of hip-hop artists through their three day Flava Fest event kicking off on Sept.

Hard to believe it’s senior year already

The saying "time sure does fly by," is definitely a huge understatement. I can still remember the first car ride to Cabrini back in Aug 2005. My mom, dad, sisters and I piled into my dad's truck and headed for beautiful Radnor, Pa. Unpacking all of my stuff into my tiny dorm room in Xavier Hall is still fresh in my memory.

Surrounded by art at Cabrini

When walking down the hallways at Cabrini or sitting in the cafeteria eating, do you ever stop to look at the art work? Cabrini's campus is covered with different types of art all through its buildings. Some by more famous artists and others by some of Cabrini's very own art and graphic design majors.

Philadelphia hosts film festival

The 2008 Philadelphia Film Festival kicked off on Thursday, April 3. The two week event started off with a documentary film by director Stephen Walker. The film starts with a choir of several retired men and women from New England preparing for their upcoming tour "Alive and Well.

Hollywood goes green

The newest trend in Hollywood: going green. Many of tinsel town's biggest stars are turning eco-friendly. Even some favorite television shows and clothing stores are beginning to go green as well. Earlier last year major movie star Cameron Diaz set the scale for going green when she co-wrote a book on how to make your lifestyle more green.

Comedian Ronnie Jordan visits Cabrini

"Let me get a hot dog water on the rocks, please." This was part of the opening joke told by comedian Ronnie Jordan at his performance in Jazzman's on Monday, March 31. Cabrini College was Jordan's 62nd stop on his college tour out of 100 colleges. Jordan was booked by Cabrini Activities and Programming Board when they went for the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) conference in the beginning of the school year.

Combat correspondent in an unpopular war: Marine speaks out about life in the military

Wednesday, March 19 marked the beginning of the sixth year since the U.S. occupation began in Iraq. Over the course of his time there have been close to one million Iraqi and about 4,000 U.S. service personnel killed. This unpopular war anniversary is bringing over 30 different peace and justice organizations together to act in a nonviolent way to protest against the "Pillars of War" that uphold the U.

Scholl remains proud of athletic career despite surgeries

Anna Scholl began playing lacrosse in the fourth grade. Ever since she was little Scholl was actively involved in a sport every season. With two older sisters who were athletes, Scholl always played with the older girls. "Lacrosse has always been one of my favorite sports," junior English and communication major Anna Scholl said.

Hey, Ma, your thong is hanging out!

I recently read an article in New York Magazine called "Up with Grups." The article referred to "grups" as 30- or 40-somethings who walk, talk and act like a 21-year-old. As I read the article, I kept thinking to myself about how true it actually was. Think about it, we go to school on the Main Line, how many 30- or 40-year-olds do we see walking around in their Juicy Couture jumpsuits, $200 pair of jeans, with their iPods plugged tightly into their ears? During the day is not the only time they can be seen.

Online sites become gateway for presidential candidates

YouTube, MySpace and Facebook, with the current election in progress, sites such as these are being used to promote the presidential candidates. These sites have become a gateway for the presidential election. Presidential candidates are logging on and promoting themselves through these three sites.

Living off-campus: not all it’s cracked up to be

This time last year I was making the decision to either stay on campus or move off. There were many different factors that needed to be considered before I finalized such a big decision. Before this year I spent both my freshman and sophomore year living on Cabrini's campus.


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Class of 2024

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