
76ers future arena disrupts the Asian culture

In July 2022, Philadelphia’s Chinatown received some news that could disrupt its way of life, culture, and work. The managing partners of the Philadelphia… Read More

76ers future arena disrupts the Asian culture

In July 2022, Philadelphia’s Chinatown received some news that could disrupt its way of life, culture, and work. The managing partners of the Philadelphia… Read More
the editorial board

A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each… Read More

Letter to the Editor: What will you do to end the silence?

Students such as myself, who are a part of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community, faulty and allies, went 5 1/2 hours without speaking to represent the bullying that goes unnoticed in the LGBT community.
featured perspectives

The unattainable luxury of eating disorder treatment

If someone told my younger self I’d eventually publish an article about my experience with bulimia and the search for treatment I would’ve called… Read More


A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each… Read More

Growing up Cabrini

Some of my fondest memories growing up take place at Cabrini University. Thanks to my dad, Chris Protesto, Cabrini’s assistant director of facilities and… Read More

Eleven minds, one mission

The spring semester brought with it a new challenge for the Loquitur newsroom: we were left with 11 total staff members. In addition to… Read More

Navigating the confusion

Since the start of the year, communication from Cabrini’s leadership has disappointed students. This year’s running theme is the administration’s lack of transparency and… Read More

The unattainable luxury of eating disorder treatment

If someone told my younger self I’d eventually publish an article about my experience with bulimia and the search for treatment I would’ve called… Read More

To be a Cav

When journalism matters most

On Mar. 10,“20 Days in Mariupol” won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film shows Ukrainian journalist… Read More

Loquitur carved my path in life

Looking back on my four years at Cabrini, one of my biggest accomplishments and the project that I spent the most time on was… Read More

The last first issue

This year marks the Loquitur’s 65th anniversary. The new year stirs up many emotions. With the calendar turned over to 2024, people begin to… Read More

How reading changed my life

When you hit rock bottom, life doesn’t just throw you a lifeline. Instead, it challenges you to find an anchor within yourself, something that… Read More

Point: Bell curve determines the grades of students

We are coming up on the end of the semester, kiddies. How hard have you worked? I have worked just as hard as the next person, and, quite frankly, I cannot wait for grades to roll around. It is a nice pat on the back and I am always looking to feed my ego.

Counterpoint: Low standards in the classroom cheat everyone

Like my fellow point counter-pointer Ryan, I do feel that students should receive the grades that they earn. However, if almost everyone one, or close to the majority, in the class is receiving an A, then there is a problem. According to my professors, the grades of the students in a class are supposed to represent a bell curve.

Editorial: Continue to grow with SEM 300 and Is Loquitur Irrelevant?

Continue to grow with SEM 300 The essentials of life cannot be learned in a classroom. Book smarts do not mean much in many real-life situations, it is up to experience and education learned outside of the classroom that prepares people for life. Cabrini, realizing that fact, devised the SEM 300 course.

Graduation is near and future is scary

I'm all grown up now and about to be a college graduate. Uh oh! Am I the only one panicking? This better not mean I'm supposed to be an adult now. My parents are adults. Our professors are adults. People who know things are adults. I don't know anything about anything.

Hollywood’s Halle Berry stirs up different reactions: Point Counterpoint

HIS SIDE: Hollywood makes me sick. Every year, for 74 years, the "elite" actors and actresses, producers and directors ("stars") of Hollywood get together to pat themselves on the back. In reality, these groups of insecure, overpaid nimrods need such an occasion to reassure themselves that what they are doing is actually worthwhile.

Malibu mansion and reality TV

He is single, successful and living in a beachfront Malibu mansion with various beautiful women who are "candidates" for his heart. After a couple of weeks he's going to pop the big question to one of the women and they just might live happily-ever-after. I want to know who in the world buys into this junk! Why is there such a category as reality TV? "The Bachelor" is what I am referring to, which is the newest show to this bunch of crap television.

Stuck in paradise, really stuck

"Alright, now I'm going to push. All I want you to do is slowly accelerate on the gas. Don't floor it!" I said this to my girlfriend, Kelly, as I rolled up my sleeves to push my ton-something Buick. Of course her Dodge Neon is no match for my car, and she poorly misjudged its power.

On the top and not about to stop

For each of the ten years the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference has been in existence, a men's basketball champion has been crowned. In 1999, Gwynedd-Mercy felt the thrill of cutting down the nets. It was Alvernia in 2000 that ran down the court jumping in all their glory after being crowned the best team in the PAC.

Save money by knowing your car

Calling out to all my fellow car owners! I want to warn you about the next time you take your good ol' car to the shop to get that dreaded inspection. Beware of few mechanics you may run into that want to rid you of every hard earned penny. Over spring break I decided to finally break down and take my car to the shop because the squealing noise my breaks were making was causing me quite a few stares and I was afraid I might get pulled over for disturbing the peace.

Italians and their other hits

Hey mambo, mambo Italiano. After the passing of an "Irish" holiday we felt the need to take a little of the spot light, even though St Patrick was born in Italy. So we thought we would take a minute to tell you why it is so good to be Italian. Olive complexion allows us to stay tan in the winter and golden in the summer compared to pasty in the winter and burnt to a freckled crisp ending in a nasty peel in the summer.
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