Domenique Pinho

Articles by Domenique Pinho

Cabrini embraces Jewish community, respects tradition

Cabrini College is currently home to many different students, all who have different skin color, hair color, heritage and last but not least, different religions. Because Cabrini is a Catholic University, many students think the college only caters to Catholics.

Cabrini gives thanks, helps homeless

For most students Thanksgiving is essentially about being home with your family and the people you love, but Cabrini's unique way of Thanksgiving has provided students another way of celebrating with their second family, Cabrini College. Cabrini College has provided for numerous years a unique experience for all students during the official "kick-off" of the holiday season.

Haitian Awareness

Thousands of Haitians wait patiently in Haiti for a ticket to America. In Philadelphia this process is eased through an organization of people who assist these thousands during their application process and guide them during their time in America. Dr. Franz Latour,a speaker on Cabrini Day, was born in Haiti and currently working with incoming immigrants from Haiti.

Celebrity homes in the area

Many celebrities are drawn to the areas in which most of us live, the South Jersey and Philadelphia region. Perhaps it's the nearby city life or the comfort of the Jersey shore being so close to many homes. Whatever the reason might be, they live here and that's awesome! South Jersey is home to many celebrities.

Cabrini’s mansion: Ghost stories still float around campus

Cabrini's campus, though eerie and full of ghost stories, surprisingly doesn't faze students who reside on this 112-acre wooded campus. Could it be the eerie atmosphere the campus provides during the fall season or the haunting ghost stories many students begin to hear their freshman year at Cabrini? One thing most students can agree with is that Cabrini's historical Mansion is one of the spookiest sights on campus.

Where will you be in 10 years?

Most remember the most famous question asked of them as children: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Anxious to answer, the child blurts out, "An astronaut...A fireman.A movie star!" Eventually, one day, all children come to the awful realization around the age of 15, that their hopes of becoming a movie star are doubtful, very doubtful.

Deckin’ out your dorm in style

It is mid- summer and you call up your roommate and you both begin to wonder how big your dorm is and where it's located. During the conversation you question each other on what items you are going to bring into your new home and what colors you should decorate the room.

Celebrities donating millions

A day in the life of a celebrity would consist of makeup, hair and riding around in their new Mercedes while getting paid an immense amount of money for doing so. The question some of us wonder is where does this large amount of money go to? Of course, Britney needed a diamond encrusted baby carriage for her new addition to her family and I'm also almost positive Arnold Schwartzeneggar couldn't live without that private island in Figi.

Facebook vs. Myspace

It is almost a guarantee that while reading this article, many students on this campus are connected to two of the most popular websites among the college community, and Both websites are similar, but on the other hand, both were created to attract different age groups of people which makes it simple for students to distinguish which website they prefer to use when contacting or meeting friends.

Dreams: Fantasy or Future?

Most people wake up each morning trying to recall the dreams they had the night before. In between trying to remember and analyze the dream, most people try to figure out why they had dreamt what they did.

Cabrini embraces Jewish community, respects tradition

Cabrini College is currently home to many different students, all who have different skin color, hair color, heritage and last but not least, different religions. Because Cabrini is a Catholic University, many students think the college only caters to Catholics.

Cabrini gives thanks, helps homeless

For most students Thanksgiving is essentially about being home with your family and the people you love, but Cabrini's unique way of Thanksgiving has provided students another way of celebrating with their second family, Cabrini College. Cabrini College has provided for numerous years a unique experience for all students during the official "kick-off" of the holiday season.

Haitian Awareness

Thousands of Haitians wait patiently in Haiti for a ticket to America. In Philadelphia this process is eased through an organization of people who assist these thousands during their application process and guide them during their time in America. Dr. Franz Latour,a speaker on Cabrini Day, was born in Haiti and currently working with incoming immigrants from Haiti.

Celebrity homes in the area

Many celebrities are drawn to the areas in which most of us live, the South Jersey and Philadelphia region. Perhaps it's the nearby city life or the comfort of the Jersey shore being so close to many homes. Whatever the reason might be, they live here and that's awesome! South Jersey is home to many celebrities.

Cabrini’s mansion: Ghost stories still float around campus

Cabrini's campus, though eerie and full of ghost stories, surprisingly doesn't faze students who reside on this 112-acre wooded campus. Could it be the eerie atmosphere the campus provides during the fall season or the haunting ghost stories many students begin to hear their freshman year at Cabrini? One thing most students can agree with is that Cabrini's historical Mansion is one of the spookiest sights on campus.

Where will you be in 10 years?

Most remember the most famous question asked of them as children: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Anxious to answer, the child blurts out, "An astronaut...A fireman.A movie star!" Eventually, one day, all children come to the awful realization around the age of 15, that their hopes of becoming a movie star are doubtful, very doubtful.

Deckin’ out your dorm in style

It is mid- summer and you call up your roommate and you both begin to wonder how big your dorm is and where it's located. During the conversation you question each other on what items you are going to bring into your new home and what colors you should decorate the room.

Celebrities donating millions

A day in the life of a celebrity would consist of makeup, hair and riding around in their new Mercedes while getting paid an immense amount of money for doing so. The question some of us wonder is where does this large amount of money go to? Of course, Britney needed a diamond encrusted baby carriage for her new addition to her family and I'm also almost positive Arnold Schwartzeneggar couldn't live without that private island in Figi.

Facebook vs. Myspace

It is almost a guarantee that while reading this article, many students on this campus are connected to two of the most popular websites among the college community, and Both websites are similar, but on the other hand, both were created to attract different age groups of people which makes it simple for students to distinguish which website they prefer to use when contacting or meeting friends.

Dreams: Fantasy or Future?

Most people wake up each morning trying to recall the dreams they had the night before. In between trying to remember and analyze the dream, most people try to figure out why they had dreamt what they did.


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Title IX Redefined Website

Produced by Cabrini Communication
Class of 2024

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Season 2, Episode 3: Celebrating Cabrini and Digging into its Past


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