Jamie Santoro

Articles by Jamie Santoro

You only get four years: one student’s journey

  I graduated from LaSalle College High School in June 2008. I was young, dumb, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. I spent the summer working… Read More

The great American past time: more than just a sport

It is my favorite time of year. Spring is beginning to bloom, summer is on the horizon and the Phillies season is about to… Read More

A tanner shade of pale: the magic of UV rays

On Saturday, I found myself lying buck naked in a tanning bed. As I sang the Selena classic “Dreaming of You” out loud and… Read More

Why so serious?

Does America know how to take a joke anymore?

The worst time of the year, housing

I hate this time of year. Not only because I slip and slide all the way over to dinner, but for many other reasons. I hate this time of year because of one reason: choosing housing.

‘Teen Mom’ has some benefits

Thank you Jamie-Lynn Spears. Thank you Sarah Palin’s daughter. Thank you for contributing to our society in a way I can never truly express.

Too much ‘Skins’ for US audiences

The Parent Television Council is up in arms. The advocacy group sent a letter to congress asking for an ‘investigation’ in the new scripted MTV show “Skins,” based on the hit U.K. series. The PTC believes that the show is chalk full of child pornography and counted forty drug references through the 41-minute pilot.

The end of something magic Harry Potter and the devoted fan

As the last pieces of the Harry Potter world are released in the form of the first part of the final film, Jamie Santoro looks back on a life of magic alongside America's favorite wizard.

This weekend at Cabrini: Pro

Why the weekends on campus aren't as bad as you think. And why your should stop complaining about it.

CRS and Obama speak out on Sudan

Catholic Relief Services and The United States Council of Catholic Bishops came together to urge Americans to help stop a genocide before it starts.… Read More

‘Family Guy’ takes stab at Palin

In a recent episode of Fox comedy hit “Family Guy” a passing joke has led to a heap of trouble. The character of Chris, voiced by Seth Green, went on a date with his crush Ellen. Ellen happened to have Down syndrome.

News Blurbals

U.S. rocket kills 10 Afghan civilians The 10 deaths, five of which were children, came two days into a new military strategy in Marja.… Read More

Cabrini prepares to host Relay for Life on campus

Cabrini is preparing for Relay for Life to come onto campus for the first time. Students are in the midst of planning and getting participants for the event, scheduled to take place on March 20. Relay for Life is an event that raises money and awareness for the American Cancer Society.

‘Slave Narratives’ performance celebrates Black History Month

Black History Month was kicked off with a performance of "Slave Narratives Revisited; A Celebration of Freedom." The play, written by E. Shockley and starring Shockley and Lary Moten, was performed at the Centre Theater in Norristown. The show jumps through time to show small vignettes of slavery in many forms in many time periods.

Relay for Life comes to Cabrini

Cabrini is preparing for the Relay for Life to come onto campus for the first time. Students are in the midst of planning and getting participants for the event, scheduled to happen on March 20.

Cabrini students take the plunge for good cause

In 17 degree weather, a crowd of hundreds submerged themselves into water warmer than the air itself. Were they a crowd of lunatics? Is there some sort of treasure submerged in the icy lake? No, and not only is it by choice, but it's for a great cause. Cabrini students and members of the community joined together for this icy swim to benefit the Special Olympics 2010 Polar Bear Plunge series.

Men’s, women’s swim fall to Swarthmore College

The Cabrini College swim team got back in the water on Saturday, Jan. 23, with both the men's and women's teams in a dual-meet at Swarthmore College. The Cavaliers fell to the Phoenixes at the end of the day. The men's final tally was 74-55 and the women lost with a score of 148-88.

Legalizing marijuana can boost economy, save lives

The American Medical Association voted to change their 72-year stance on marijuana as a substance with no medical value. This is the first step to legalizing marijuana. The fact that it hasn't been utilized for its medical benefits alone stumps me. The fact that this potential resource is still criminalized is perplexing, too.

This Week in Sports

New Mexico women's soccer video goes viral A video of New Mexico University women's soccer defender Elizabeth Lambert assaulting a Brigham Young University player has become a sensation online. It shows Lambert punching and hitting players and eventually pulling a girl down to the ground by her hair.

Sarah Silverman angers Catholic Church…again

Comedian Sarah Silverman has proposed a new way of ending world hunger. No, you read that correctly. Sarah Silverman, star and creator of "The Sarah Silverman Project" and vicious funny lady, has a new theory on ending world hunger, an issue that has plagued the world for hundreds of years.


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