
A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each… Read More

Eleven minds, one mission

The spring semester brought with it a new challenge for the Loquitur newsroom: we were left with 11 total staff members. In addition to… Read More

Navigating the confusion

Since the start of the year, communication from Cabrini’s leadership has disappointed students. This year’s running theme is the administration’s lack of transparency and… Read More

When journalism matters most

On Mar. 10,“20 Days in Mariupol” won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film shows Ukrainian journalist… Read More

The last first issue

This year marks the Loquitur’s 65th anniversary. The new year stirs up many emotions. With the calendar turned over to 2024, people begin to… Read More

Philly sports create community

What a time to be a Philly sports fan. Over the last two years, Philadelphia sports fans were treated to remarkable playoff runs, spectacular… Read More

Preserving Cabrini’s legacy

It’s official, after months of waiting, Cabrini University announced the completed agreement for Villanova to assume ownership of our campus in June 2024.   In… Read More

The right to write

Student journalism has always been an important part of campus life at institutions across the country. This year, student newspapers have been making national… Read More

Leading the way

The Loquitur editorial board for the 2023-24 school has been chosen and we are looking forward to taking on this incredible leadership responsibility. As… Read More

To degree or not degree

In March 2023, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro signed an executive order stating that government jobs will no longer require a four-year degree. This order… Read More

Do you know what’s in your phone?

In the past 15 years, over 5 million people have been slaughtered, and 300,000 women have been raped, all at the hands of war and conflict minerals. While people around the world text, play games and Tweet all on their cell phones, millions of people have been and are continuously being killed for the minerals that make up our phones.

#NOH8 – Unity Week

Unity week started on Monday, March 31, at Cabrini as a weeklong event sponsored by the Office of Student Diversity Initiatives and featured many other clubs on campus. On Tuesday, April 1, there was one specific movement that led an uprise against “haters”. This fierce and reflective student movement took place in Grace Hall to take a stand together for equality by holding a photo shoot for anyone to model and show their support.


Rape culture is a notion that connects rape and sexual violence to the culture of a society therein making the feelings and practices around it seem normal, excusable or even pardonable. This past Tuesday, March 25, 2014, a blogger from feminist blog “Feministing,” Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) started the #rapecultureiswhen hashtag that quickly trended throughout the evening with posts sent in on rape culture beliefs people hold today.

Malaysia Air – How “new” is “news?”

By this point, it’s almost impossible to have remained unaware of the Malaysian airline plane that mysteriously disappeared over a week ago. And if by some slim chance this story sounds new, turn on any news station. It’s almost guaranteed to be on at any point in the day… all day.

The line between service trips and vacations

Every year during spring break there are groups of students across the nation who give up their relaxation time and do service work for one week.Some stay in the states, others leave the country. In both cases, the students are helping developing areas.

Our self-worth is only what we determine it to be

This week is eating disorder awareness week, and it brings to mind the questions; How much do people really know about eating disorders as… Read More

The Cabrini Campus Master Plan

Most people now know that the Dixon Center has begun its expansion, but how many are up-to-date with the 15-year Campus Master Plan, if they are even aware of the plan’s existence?

Being ‘out’ on and off the field

Homosexuality and professional sports have rarely seemed to collide publicly, especially in the United States. In fact, football, arguably the most popular game in the U.S., has never had an openly gay athlete play in the NFL. Though this may change in the near future.

When being American is defined by language

Even if you missed out on the 2014 Super Bowl, chances are you saw some of the commercials, especially Coca-Cola’s hugely controversial “It’s Beautiful”… Read More

Mental Illness does not discriminate

The tragic story about 19-year-old University of Pennsylvania freshman Madison Holleran committing suicide by jumping off of a Philadelphia parking garage has made quite… Read More


Special Project

Title IX Redefined Website

Produced by Cabrini Communication
Class of 2024

Listen Up

Season 2, Episode 3: Celebrating Cabrini and Digging into its Past


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