Jamie Hufnagle

Articles by Jamie Hufnagle

Bono: Be the young voice of Africa

Irish rock star and humanitarian Bono received the Liberty Medal, Philadelphia's most prestigious award, at a ceremony at the National Constitution Center on Thursday, Sept. 27. He was honored for his efforts to reduce extreme poverty and beat back AIDS in Africa.

College presidents lead in the fight for carbon neutrality

Cabrini is not on the list of over 300 colleges that recently united in a national organization to combat global warming on their campuses.

Number of full-time faculty decreases

New data from the U.S. Education Department reveals that full-time, tenure-track faculty members are slowly decreasing in American higher education. A report from the National Center for Education Statistics shows that 624,753, or 47.5 percent, of the 1,314,506 faculty members at colleges that awarded federal financial aid in fall 2005 were in part-time positions.

Meet your mate online

Hair done in the perfect wave, check. Shoes no taller than two inches because he's six foot, check. Makeup done, but not too overdone, check. "Alright girlie," Ashley said to herself as she got into her car. "Time to wow this nice guy from nowhere." The night had just begun for Ashley Randazzo, a senior English and communication major.

HPV becomes concern for males

While recent attention has been focused on the human papillomavirus in women, recent studies have shown that males may have a reason to be just as concerned. As many as 60 percent of men ages 18 to 70 are infected with HPV, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times.

Leading veteran’s hospital faces neglect

The Washington Post released an alarming warning about the condition of the nation's leading veteran's hospital, the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Struggling to handle the overflow of injured soldiers has caused the conditions and care to deteriorate and the soldiers to face extreme neglect.

Elections become webified

Traditional media has been put on the back burner as politicians gear up to conquer the world of tech-savvy voters in the upcoming 2008 election. "The Web will be playing a bigger role than ever in the 2008 campaign, so much so that for the first time, it will actually change the outcome of the election," Joe Trippi said in an article from Yahoo.

New passport rules in effect

A new rule has been passed that requires Americans to present a passport when traveling back into the United States from Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean. Until now, a driver's license or birth certificate has been accepted from travelers making their way through customs on their trip home.

Political parties continue to debate minimum wage

The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to increase the federal minimum wage to $7.25 an hour. Democratic leaders have been pushing for this raise, which will be the first in a decade. The vote was 315-116, approving legislation to increase the minimum wage over two years from $5.

Tis’ the season: What’s your favorite holiday jingle?

It is finally the time of year when our favorite Christmas songs begin to circulate on the airwaves and bring Christmas cheer to everyone. Whether you are walking through the mall during Christmastime or driving in the car listening to the radio, it is almost an instinct to instantly sing along to popular Christmas hits.

A desperate need for change: struggling with homelessness

Hyacinth King became homeless after being diagnosed with schizophrenia. King left the home she shared with her parents after the voices in her head told her that her parents were going to harm her. Before finding a life on the streets, King worked for her parents who were very successful owning a Thrift Way Supermarket.

Times marches on

When I think of the semester coming to a close and the end of my third year in college near completion, I am reminded how quickly time goes by and how precious each moment really is. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in the daily routine of life that we bypass the simple, more beautiful aspects of the world that surrounds us.

Spill Canvas does fine with third album

"No Really, I'm fine" is the third album released by The Spill Canvas and conquers the music scene with powerful lyrics and original elements that only this band can deliver. After releasing their first album in 2004, founding member Nick Thomas added a full band behind him to advance his already established sound.

Sephora: the best of beauty

Lip gloss? Check. Signature fragrance? Check. Intensive conditioning treatment? Check. These are just a few of the items that can be found when browsing the aisles of Sephora, a trendy cosmetics store featuring the best of the best in the world of beauty. Sephora is a make-up maven's paradise with thousands of different products from hundreds of manufacturers in the cosmetics industry lining each aisle.

OneRepublic cuts concert short

OneRepublic rocked the Trocadeo in Philly on Saturday, Feb. 2, playing a short but phenomenal show. Taking the stage at 10 p.m., the band played a range of songs off of their newly released album, "Dreaming out Loud" as fans sang along and enthusiastically cheered them on.

Iraqi students hope to pursue education in America

Omar finished high school in spring 2003 when the United States invaded Iraq. He was not able to get his records or diploma, but he was soon involved in learning to use cameras and recorders to document the chaos surrounding him in Baghdad. Omar joined other young video-makers in an attempt to go where other media outlets would not go.

Project hopes to bring Iraqi Students to U.S.

jamie hufnagle news editor jlh729@cabrini.edu ashley cook news editor aac722@cabrini.edu Over the past two decades, Iraq's universities have deteriorated from a highly advanced system to one that is barely existent today. To fix this, a team of people from Damascus, Syria to Villanova, Pa. has come together to assist select college-age students in Iraq to pursue higher education in the United States. The plan is that the Iraqi students would then return home to help rebuild their country. The Iraqi Student Project began in the summer of 2007 and is still in the development stage.

MRSA infects student on campus

Recent test results have confirmed a case of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection that has infected a Cabrini student. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria commonly carried on the skin or in the nose of healthy people.

What is our world coming to?

I wake up one day to the sound of a text message ringing through my phone. It reads: Murder in Warminster? I wake up a couple of days later to a new text that reads: Are you ok? I heard there was a stabbing at Cabrini. In the past week, a 22-year-old man and a 27-year-old female from my hometown were shot and murdered in a dispute among several people.

Campus violence calls for updated crisis plans

Cabrini's public safety department is working closely with the Safety Committee to update the College's Emergency Response Plan. This action follows the recent violence on college campuses across the nation. "This plan and other plans deal with all types of emergencies that may occur on our property."


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