The Amazing Race event offers studying tips

By Felicia Melvin
April 12, 2010

On Thursday, April 8 the Center for Teaching and Learning hosted “The Amazing Race: Surviving Finals.” 

The event offered methods on making study sessions effective, tips to help students succeed on essay questions, and test-taking strategies.

“At the Center for Teaching and Learning we offer academic support, peer tutoring, math specialists and a writing center, “Maritza DeJesus, academic counselor and peer coach, said. “I provide support, time management, and academic counseling.  Any barriers a student has regarding academic goals, I will help them reach those goals.”

The Amazing Race event consisted of methods that targeted procrastination, time management skills, essay writing and combating anxiety that comes from taking final exams.

“The main thing is planning ahead instead of cramming. Students should make a list and break down strategies for final preparations,” Dejesus said.

“Although I am moving onto my junior year in college, it never hurts to attend an event that will help prep for finals. There are so many different studying techniques and I figured that a seminar on how to expand on my study habits would be beneficial. I figured, worst case scenario, I already exercise these techniques and they are further supporting and influencing these study habits,” Nicole Phinney, sophomore criminology and psychology major, said.

There are a number of staff members who work with the Center for Teaching and Learning. Tracie Kennedy and Catherine Beckowsk both work with the Writing Center and peer tutors. In the math resource center, Diane Devanney and Darla Nagy are available for math tutoring, which also hosts peer tutors.

“It is so great to know that you are not alone on this college midterms and finals ordeal. Also, by becoming more familiar with the presenters, I feel more comfortable asking for help if needed,” Phinney said.

“I love helping students achieve their academic goals and sometimes helping them change one thing you can then watch them become more confident and effective students,” DeJesus said.

“I learned that there are college kids who still do not know what their particular study technique is and hopefully by attending this event, they found what they are most comfortable with. I walked away thinking, ‘wow, the teachers and staff members really care about their students if they are putting in the time and effort for this seminar.’ Cabrini is a true family,” Phinney said.

1 thought on “The Amazing Race event offers studying tips”

  1. Felicia Melvin

    I am waiting on Nicole to email me her major. I forgot to ask her when I interviewed her; my apologies.

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Felicia Melvin

1 thought on “The Amazing Race event offers studying tips”

  1. Felicia Melvin

    I am waiting on Nicole to email me her major. I forgot to ask her when I interviewed her; my apologies.

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