Outreach Saturday proves to be education of the heart

By Rosemarie Gonzalez
September 11, 2003

Courtesy of Wolfington center

Outreach Saturdays are community events, which take place four or five times a semester, put on by the Wolfington Center and run by Mary Laver, coordinator of Community Outreach & Partnerships.

“We try to work in under resourced areas where there are no banks, no grocery stores, and we try to branch out and lend a helping hand,” Laver said.

This past Saturday, Laver and a few Cabrini students went to the St. Francis Inn soup kitchen in Kensington, PA. They volunteered their services from 11 a.m. until about 1:30 pm.

Student volunteer work consisted of serving tables for the homeless who were given pasta, rolls, and desserts for lunch.

“I would definitely do it again. At first I was nervous, but after being there a little while, I warmed up and enjoyed it,” Caitrin Watson, junior, said.

Also, Laver wants to make it clear that anyone is welcome to participate in the program and says that students that do community outreach wind up taking a one credit course called Leadership of the Heart.

“It is a part of the education that students cannot receive while taking courses at Cabrini. It enriches the soul and serves as an emotional and spiritual enlightening,” Laver said.

With Outreach Saturdays, Laver hopes to focus on reaching out to kids, hunger, literacy rates, and immigrants. She thinks that they are a big influence on what Cabrini stands for.

“It was great to be interactive with people that just walked into the soup kitchen. I was always involved in high school with stuff like this and I enjoyed this experience just as much,” Jess Watson, freshman, said.

Posted to the web by Cecelia Francisco

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Rosemarie Gonzalez

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