Disney’s “A Christmas Carol,” which has been re-created by award-winning filmmaker Robert Zemeckis, received three out of five according to New York Times.
“‘A Christmas Carol’ was very well done. I was sort of surprised at how scary certain parts were. But overall I was filled with the Christmas spirit by the end of it,” Corinne Grasso, senior English major, said.
“A Christmas Carol,” starring Jim Carrey, Robin Wright Penn, Gary Otldman, Colin Firth and Bob Hoskins uses new digital techniques, which makes it different from the older movie.
The movie uses 3D enhancements to make the movie bigger, scarier and noisier. There is some humor that may be hard to get for younger children.
When recreating the movie, the plot sticks to the basics of the old Christmas Carol. Not much was changed in the plot. According to New York Times, Zemeckis included much “Bah, humbug” and “God bless us everyone,” sayings in the new script for the recreation of the movie.
The movie still takes place in London. There is now a more realistic feel that you are on the streets of London with the characters with the 3D effect. With the new digital and voice techniques, Zemeckis was able to enhance characters voices and make them more pronounced.
Some parts are too much. According to New York Times, in the movie, there are certain parts that are done up to much with the different effects which will hurt Zemeckis production.
According to A. O. Scott a writer for New York Times, “‘A Christmas Carol,’ the source material, without a corporate possessive attached to it, remains among the most moving works of holiday literature, and Zemeckis has remained true to its finest sentiments. He is an innovator, but his traditionalism is what makes this movie work.”
When Scrooge returned to work and gave his employer a raise, which Cratchit did not expect was one of the best parts. The atmosphere in the office changed for the best, which Cratchit was very excited about.
Seeing the movie in 3-D definitely would make it so realistic. There were scenes that were put into the movie for the realistic 3-D effects.
Christmas Carol is a Disney PG movie.
“Christmas Carol got me into the holiday spirit. I always read the book and saw the plays when I was younger so it was fun to see the movie,” Amanda McGuckin, junior elementary major, said.