
76ers future arena disrupts the Asian culture

In July 2022, Philadelphia’s Chinatown received some news that could disrupt its way of life, culture, and work. The managing partners of the Philadelphia… Read More

76ers future arena disrupts the Asian culture

In July 2022, Philadelphia’s Chinatown received some news that could disrupt its way of life, culture, and work. The managing partners of the Philadelphia… Read More
the editorial board

A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each… Read More

Letter to the Editor: What will you do to end the silence?

Students such as myself, who are a part of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender community, faulty and allies, went 5 1/2 hours without speaking to represent the bullying that goes unnoticed in the LGBT community.
featured perspectives

The unattainable luxury of eating disorder treatment

If someone told my younger self I’d eventually publish an article about my experience with bulimia and the search for treatment I would’ve called… Read More


A final reflection

In this, our final Loquitur issue, the editorial staff wanted to share some of our favorite memories of Cabrini, a school that’s given each… Read More

Growing up Cabrini

Some of my fondest memories growing up take place at Cabrini University. Thanks to my dad, Chris Protesto, Cabrini’s assistant director of facilities and… Read More

Eleven minds, one mission

The spring semester brought with it a new challenge for the Loquitur newsroom: we were left with 11 total staff members. In addition to… Read More

Navigating the confusion

Since the start of the year, communication from Cabrini’s leadership has disappointed students. This year’s running theme is the administration’s lack of transparency and… Read More

The unattainable luxury of eating disorder treatment

If someone told my younger self I’d eventually publish an article about my experience with bulimia and the search for treatment I would’ve called… Read More

To be a Cav

When journalism matters most

On Mar. 10,“20 Days in Mariupol” won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film shows Ukrainian journalist… Read More

Loquitur carved my path in life

Looking back on my four years at Cabrini, one of my biggest accomplishments and the project that I spent the most time on was… Read More

The last first issue

This year marks the Loquitur’s 65th anniversary. The new year stirs up many emotions. With the calendar turned over to 2024, people begin to… Read More

How reading changed my life

When you hit rock bottom, life doesn’t just throw you a lifeline. Instead, it challenges you to find an anchor within yourself, something that… Read More

Crusade for the New York Times

Has everyone noticed the shiny new metal newsstands decorating the entrances to various on-campus residencies? The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today are currently free to students Monday through Friday. For 20 days, the Collegiate Readership Program at usatodaycollege.

Poor are still poor

"Half of the world's people struggle to live on less than $2 a day." This shocking fact is from an article in Monday's New York Times. Estimating that there are 6 billion people in the world, which means that 1.2 billion people are living like that. Imagine having only $2 to spend on yourself for everything you need to do in one day.

The world six months later

Two towers of light now illuminate the Manhattan skyline. 6 months ago that space was occupied by the towering World Trade Center. Things have changed. Last Sunday CBS aired the first footage from inside the towers during the attack. The footage brought a new level of terror to an already frightening situation.

Injustices are found everywhere, including inside the court room

We say that we have equality, which seems to be true, but only in theory. In reality, there are injustices everywhere you turn. It appears that everything is a barrier. Women do not get paid as much as men. Skin color might decide the job that a person gets, even if he or she is the less qualified person.

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: the treatment of the detainees

(Above) Look at the picture of me to the side. Quite a winning smile, right? Well do not think I'm all sunshine and lollipops, because you're about to hear some evil comments. I'm not going to review the incidents of Sept. 11. If you've been living under a rock then most of this week's debate is rather pointless for you.

Honor is defined in many ways, but which are right?

I am a United States Marine and when I see all the commercials for the armed forces I see the main topics that they preach. Many of these topics are teamwork, courage, commitment, integrity, pride, leadership and discipline, but the one that sticks out to me the most is honor.

‘9/11’ documentary, an arguable but rewarding watch

The pain and terror experienced by many Americans on Sept. 11 was revisited in a two-hour documentary filmed by two French filmmakers during the tragedy. It was at this point, while viewing the footage of "9/11," that I fully understood the emotional connection to the attacks of that day.

Poor economy dashes hopes for soon-to-be-graduates

The economy has been slowing down for quite some time now. Yes, the popular misconception that the economy was perfect before 9-11, is false. However, it has gotten worse. This comes as bad news for pending college graduates across the country. Four years of hard work and no pay off.

Do what makes you smile, be happy and live it all up

In a world filled with animosity, hate, sorrow and many other melancholy emotions, there are a lot of other emotions I sometimes forget that we as human beings are capable of expressing. From time to time I begin to think I don't make enough time for all of the good emotions and only allow the bad emotions to be present in my everyday life.

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter

TOP Every freedom fighter can be called a terrorist, just as well as every terrorist can be called a freedom fighter, yet it all rather depends on who is doing the labeling. These terms may be interchangeable from person to person and from group to group, but there is no way to combine the two into one concept and pretend that the other one doesn't exist.
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