Wolfington Center celebrates 10th anniversary

By Jenay Smith
February 7, 2012

This semester, the Wolfington Center turned 10 years old. This fairly new addition to Cabrini College has done many things since it’s implementation.

Dr. Anne Skleder, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, said that the Wolfington Center is a place to experience “pure service.”

The Wolfington Center began due to a generous donation from Eustace Wolfington.

The Center was Cabrini’s first step toward service learning before the ‘Justice Matters’ curriculum was set in place.

Now, the Wolfington Center is in charge of the service learning that comes with the “Justice Matters” curriculum.

“One of the main services is to support the work of the engagement with the common good partnership,” Skleder said.

There are many new plans the Wolfington Center is looking forward to which will hopefully include a new executive director.

“Our goal is for that person to really work closely with the faculty, staff and the Center and support the work that the faculty does with the students,” Skleder said.

“This is an important campus-wide position,” Skleder said. The ultimate path the Wolfington Center will take is up to the new executive director.

The last attempt to find an executive director was unsuccessful for the Wolfington Center. This time around, there is no set date when or if the new executive director will be announced.

Hopes are that a decision will be made and the position will be filled before the end of this semester.

Until then, the Center continues to make new developments and strides for a better center.

The Wolfington Center aids partnerships with organizations such as Catholic Relief Services, which has been a partner with Cabrini for the past five years.

Another recent improvement that has come out of the Wolfington center is the Norristown shuttle. This will enable students and faculty to travel to and from their service site in Norristown from campus.

The Wolfington Center has implemented countless new opportunities and has many news ideas for the future. This time next year The Wolfington Center should be climbing a new ladder.


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Jenay Smith

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