Marriage, the union of two people either by legal or religious ceremonies, has become one of the top subjects of debate over the past few elections. During the 2004 presidential elections 11 states had measures on their ballots regarding the definition of marriage. Should the state or federal government have and control over who we marry?
“It’s discrimination. Why does anyone have the right to say who we should love? Commitment doesn’t just have to be between a man and woman,” said sophomore Cristina DeCarlo, who is in a committed heterosexual relationship.
People do not have control over who they fall in love with. Weather a man wants to spend the rest of his life in a loving, committed relationship with a woman or man, or the same case with a woman why should the government have any control over this. The bible, as well as, the church states that a man should be married to a woman and not have sexual or loving commitment to a man. The All Academic Research website states, “First Amendment: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..” Laws against homosexual marriage seem to contradict the First Amendment. If people have the freedom of speech or to express themselves why should they not have the right to marry who they chose? Also the views of the church should not be taken in to laws.
Robert Stoop, sophomore in a committed homosexual relationship, said, “The sacrament of marriage is a special bond between two people, who love each other unconditionally. Why are there or should there be limitations to this definition. If we have no control over a heterosexual marriage and the partners that chose to partake in the bond, why is it okay to make sure homosexuals cannot partake in a special connection between two people? That is unless anyone considering a homosexual lifestyle actually knows what it is like to be in a committed relationship with a person of the same sex.”
Law makers and citizens who have never been in a homosexual relationship do not know the feelings that the people committed in these relationships have. Just like homosexual who has never been in a heterosexual relationship does not know what it is like to be in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. Twenty-nine states have a constitutional ban restricting marriage to one man and one woman. While Pennsylvania is one of the states included in the 19 that have laws that ban gay marriage and limit marriage to one man and one woman, but it is not in their constitutions.
Why in country where we are called “free” do many people still feel restricted? In a country where we are able to say, write and express how we feel why do so many have to restrict how they express their love for someone. A heterosexual couple can stand in front of their friends and family and declare their commitment for each other for the rest of their lives, while a homosexual couple is denied this right. While the church may never recognize a homosexual relationship, hopefully the “home of the free” will get on board shortly because out of 50 states only two allow homosexual marriage.