Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Award

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March 17, 2005

Shawn Rice

Meredith Detwiler, English and secondary education major and psychology minor, has a long list of activities, services and jobs that helped her gain the Who’s Who Award.
She is involved with Psi Chi Psychology, Delta Epsilon Sigma, Lambda Iota Tau and Sigma Rho National Honor Societies and Cabrini College Honor Society. She is also participating in the Middle States Faculty Committee and is a Student Ambassador.
“Not only am I dedicated to achievement and success, but recognize the value of interaction and participation with peers and professors,” Meredith said.
Although she is graduating she hopes that her involvement has impacted another’s educational experience. “By demonstrating sincerity, personal integrity, humility, and dedication, and unacknowledged difference has been made.

Chrissy Remley, accounting and finance major, has excelled in scholarship, leadership, and service.
Her activities include Honor Society, Delta Epsilon Sigma, Sigma Beta Delta, Financial Management Associate, Student Affiliate of Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants, President of the Finance Club, Accounting Association, leader for the Search Retreat and dance team.
She also participates in the Food Bank, Operation Santa Clause, Exfam’s Click Campaign, Fair Trade Coffee Campaign, Financial Literacy Program, Teachers Aid, Philadelphia Reads Day and the VITA Program.
She plans on becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst. She currently is an intern in the Accounting department at an insurance company and hopes of moving into the Financial Analyst Department.
Her leadership positions have served as a way of making an impact on the campus and its students.

Christine McCarty, elementary and special education major, received this award for her dedication to her education and commitment to becoming an exceptional teacher.
She is a teacher for The Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science. She is also working for a company called Keane where she is gaining many professional skills.
On campus she is a part of the Honor Society, Kappa Delta Pi (Sigma Rho), Council for Exceptional Children and the Pennsylvania State Education Association. She has also volunteered with Saint Cabrini Home Assisted Living Facility, Don Guanella and Up ‘Til Dawn.
Christine plans on utilizing her skills she learned at Cabrini focusing on Special Education and plans to remain in the Delaware County so as to continue living with her supportive parents.
By working hard to achieve academic goals at school and getting involved with the community, Christine feels that she has made a positive difference.

As an active student, Colleen Hoy has made her four years memorable. She has been a part of many great things on and off campus such the Pilot Program for “leadership with a heart,” SGA and studying abroad in Australia.
Colleen has been involved with campus ministry by being a Search Leader, first year retreat leader and Appalachia leader. She also has participated in community service programs like Hand-in-Hand, Ronald McDonald House and Habitat for Humanities.
As an elementary education major she has gained valuable experience by helping out as an aid at various elementary schools.
After graduation she plans on finding a teaching position in elementary education. Her four years were beneficial and meaningful here at Cabrini giving her the experience she needs. “During my time here I have learned about others and myself. I have made wonderful friendships and the memories will last a life time,” Colleen said. “Cabrini is a school where you can strive to be the best person you can be, and that is what I have done.”

Megan Beaudy, elementary, special and early education major, has taken advantage of Cabrini’s small nature and has exceled academically.
Through various activities, such as SGA, PSEA and Sima Rho, she has obtained great knowledge in leadership roles while also maintaining a job in the Admissions office as Student Ambassador and working at Cabrini’s pre-school. She has volunteered in the Wolfington Center, was a Bonner leader, a Delta Epsilon sigma member, Special Olympic volunteer for four years, on the alumni board, library committee and Executive Director for Up ‘Til Dawn.
She plans on taking this experience and utilizing it to further her education at Washington University in St. Louis for their graduate program in deaf education.
“The best way I have made a positive difference is through the Up ‘Til Dawn organization,” she said. “It is in our Cabrini education of the heart to be individuals who help others and that is exactly what students here have been doing with us all year round.”

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