What is the best ’80-’90s comeback trend?

By Diana Vilares
February 22, 2007


Who knew that the black leggings with the gray off-the-shoulder shirt Lisa Turtle wore on “Saved By the Bell” would actually make a comeback in 2007?

It’s true. Leg warmers, side ponytails, leggings under the skirt, off-the-shoulder sweaters and big belts are only a few of the trends of the past that have returned to leave their mark on this decade’s young hipsters.

Girls still braid their hair late at night to wake up to a crimp look, but have done away with doing it on a regular basis.

The genie-like hammer pants that always made the person who wore them look like they were about to break out into a dance session, have yet to make their “new and improved” debut. That is if they ever do.

Granted that rather unattractive memories like scrunchies, swooshy pants and ridiculously teased hair have not seen daylight since 1995, people are responding well to the not so “old school” way of dress.

“I can’t really call it a ‘retro’ look just yet because the ’90s feel like they were here just yesterday,” Erin Morgan, a sophomore exercise science major, said, “I think that the whole hippie, ’60s look has made a pretty huge comeback too, especially in the summer.”

There’s no telling what the fashionistas will recycle next, but one thing’s for sure, history always repeats itself.

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Diana Vilares

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