Unavailable professors

By Kristin Agostinelli
March 11, 2005

Ryan Norris

I’m not trying to step on any toes here, but it seems as though sometimes when a student tries to contact a professor for help, or in need of their assistance, they can never get a hold of them. Unbeknownst to students, teachers do have lives outside of the classroom, yet they always seem to live their lives during their prescribed office hours.

There are, however, those professors that diligently work with their students to better their education, and are in their office when a student stops by to ask for help, and frequently check their e-mail for updates. Then there are others who refuse to check their e-mail and leave that to a weekly, possibly even monthly basis, are never in their office during their regular office hours, and even when calling their extension to try to get a hold of them you simply cannot.

Not that I am trying to badger any professors into being in their office and on call for their job 24/7, but it has come to my attention that some students are fed up with showing up for an appointment and taking time out of their day when the teacher or professor decides not to show up.

For example, my roommate is an elementary education major here at Cabrini and instead of doing her field experience in a classroom, she found out she was able to use her job as a camp counselor working with children over the summer as an alternative. She has tried numerous times to get in contact with the head of the education division to approve her request, yet he refuses to check his e-mail, has not returned her phone calls, and she has even waited outside of his office during his office hours for forty-five minutes and he never showed. Possibly there was a very good reason for this, yet it seems as though she has tried every means of contacting him, but he shows no interest in contacting her back.

Although not all professors are like this, it just seems that when a student takes time out of their day to make an appointment to get help, or are in need of assistance of any sort, they are promptly where they are supposed to be at the designated time. Sometimes.

Students are not to be left without the blame either. Yes, we tend to procrastinate, and yes, we fail to show up to class when we are too hungover to get out of bed on Friday morning, but we try.

However, I have come to the conclusion that it is their way of getting back at us for not showing up to class when we are supposed to. Hence, we show up for an appointment and they are not there. They are, however, sitting back at home having the last laugh while we are patiently waiting at their office for them to arrive. Only they don’t.

Posted to the web by Ryan Norris

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Kristin Agostinelli

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