Tolerate the construction workers on campus

By John Holloway
September 25, 2003

Steph Mangold

“So I pay like $20,000, or no like $30,000 to come to this place a year and they can’t afford to have the construction done in the summer? That’s ridiculous!” These are the true words of a second year student here at Cabrini College. It sounds to me like someone hasn’t worked many jobs in her life. Oh, and I wonder who is paying her tuition? Seeing how she doesn’t even know the right amount.

Imagine working manual labor your entire life, only to have to wake up every morning and have 18 -25 year olds cursing you off as you try to do your job, then speeding away in their Mitsubishi Eclipse or black tinted Jetta.

Cabrini College is a rising institution growing larger every year. In order to keep up with this growth, we need to expand. In order for everything to go smoothly and comfortably, why don’t we try having sympathy for the laborers who arrive earlier than any student, and usually leave later as well. These men work everyday, sometimes Saturday, only to make our campus BETTER. Why are we complaining about this?

“We have to deal with parking which is hard enough, now I have to avoid big ugly trucks as well!” Another lovely comment from the “heavy-burdened” sophomore girl who lives on campus, and usually isn’t even in the face of the construction. She was specifically speaking about the sub-contractors hired for the Jazzman’s Caf

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John Holloway

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