Suzanne Collins’ series, “The Hunger Games” has become a new sensation among young adult readers. The first book was published in 2008 and the next two quickly followed. The series has now been on many bestsellers lists, including The New York Times.
It is written in first person and is based on 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a futuristic world in the country called Panem. The government, working in a central city called the Capitol, holds power.
“The Hunger Games,” is about a yearly event on television where the Capitol picks one boy and one girl aged 12 to 18 from one of the 12 districts for a huge televised battle where the participants have to fight for the death and only one person will survive.
The story is very interesting and has just the right amount of drama and nail bitting suspense. The author’s amazing characterization technique brings you in and enables readers to become attached to and passionate for the individual characters in the books.
After I read the first, I quickly went out and bought the next two and read them. Each book connects and flows with the next, creating one continual story.
After reading all three, I realized why the stories have become so popular. There is a bit of fantasy and drama, the characters are highly developed, relatable and finally the author includes a love triangle with the main character Katniss and two male leads with a lot of twists of dramatic competition. It’s no wonder that the series is gaining fans every day. The novel is a new to sure-to-be blockbuster hit.
The storywriting of these books, along with the love triangle, reminds me a lot of the “Twilight” series. The two series are both easy and entertaining reads. In addition, both novels possess fantasy and imaginative characters that are fun to read about. I also remember how passionate the fans became over the “Twilight” love triangle. You were either Team Jacob or Team Edward. Being a “Hunger Games” fan, it’s difficult to avoid the same obnoxious fanfare.
This new obsession is now replacing the old. “The Hunger Games” will surely be the new “Twilight”.