Because of the advances in technology, people are more connected than ever. However, our dependcy has grown with the technological advances and while information is readily available, our ability and desire to actually talk to one another is going away.
With the new and current smart phones available, the world is at our fingertips. Our lives are controlled by the device in our hands and instead of looking around and actually talking to people all you see are the tops of people’s heads looking down as real life passes right by.
With all the help that technology gives us, people rely on it way too much. Our everyday knowledge of common information is going away. New smartphone text messaging and abbreviation lingo works well when communicating through a device, but we have forgotten how to communicate with real people when they are standing right in front of us. Smartphones now have auto correct and lets people misspell any word and the phone will automatically correct it if it’s misspelled. This may result in people not knowing how to spell and have good grammar because your smart phone will just fix it for you.
Most people now, have very little communication skills other than text messaging. With all the texting, tweeting and Facebook messaging that is now on your smartphone people have lost the face-to-face interaction skills because people are so glued to just texting that person or shooting them a quick email on their smart phone.
Soon enough people will be so consumed with communicating just over their smart phone or other device. They won’t feel the need to learn these other very important social skills.
All the different interactions such as social media on your smart phones can also cause trouble for people in the future if they are not smart about what they post with their personal information. People take advantage of posting every single bit of their life on social media. They do not understand that there is some information that should not be shared.
People are always on social media sites posting every little thing they are doing. This can be a bad thing because people are slowly and gradually spending more time behind their cell phone screens instead of actually doing the thing they are tweeting about or posting on Facebook. Life is being experienced through social media instead of real life.
Smart phones are becoming more and more of a problem because of the accessibility it gives us to different social media sites. I have no problem with Twitter and Facebook etc. However, smart phones are making it worse by putting these media sites to your cell phone.
People are posting things that can get them in trouble with their current employers, future emplyers, even their current teachers. I know some teachers and other Cabrini accounts follow me on twitter or able to see what I post. Therefore I am always careful about what I share through my smart phone onto social media, knowing that someday it can come back to haunt me. What most people don’t understand is that once you send it out from your smart phone to the world, it will never be erased and it will never go away.