Trendy pillows that take the shape of sushi are sweeping across the Internet and onto people’s couches across the globe. No, they aren’t sushi scented, but the vibrant colors and textures of the fabric accurately reproduce a very trendy food.
“Wow, sounds crazy. What’s the purpose of the pillow? Why sushi?” junior graphic design major Nicholas Michetti said.
Why sushi? It all began as a simple idea. Cindy Tomm and Mel Maghuyop, actors who recently toured across the United States with the musical “Miss Saigon,” are the creators of this innovative decoration. Tomm decided that she wanted a pillow that looked like a sushi roll, and Maghuyop went on a sushi pillow hunt to fulfill her cotton-stuffed craving. When there was no such thing on the market, Maghuyop put his theatrical talents to the test and hand crafted the very first original sushi pillow for his friend. The business began rolling in 2004 on e-Bay and has yet to turn stale.
“We went from actors to entrepreneurs! I think that or idea is appealing because sushi fuses two things that are very important to the human spirit: food and art. Sushi is a form of art that also happens to be edible and delicious. People can feed their senses now with sushi in a nonperishable form,” Tomm said.
This nonperishable form of art is created with the unique use of materials that make the pillows accurate to the real portions. The ever-popular California roll, for example, has fluffy “white rice” made of cotton, an outer layer of emerald-green “seaweed” and a hand painted center portion of ingredients. Unfortunately, as yummy as it may look, the cotton, polyester and rayon are not edible. This pillow is 12 inches wide and 5 inches tall and costs $36 without shipping included.
Junior graphic design major Charlie Grugan jokingly said, “Nothing would make me more comfortable in my bed than laying on a slab of fish,” when first commenting on the whole concept of a sushi pillow.
The original sushi pillow can be found all over the Internet, and according to Tomm, will hopefully be sold in walk-in stores in the near future. The pillows generally range from $30 to $50 and can make great and affordable gifts. Currently, they can be purchased at some online decorative businesses including The Original Sushi Pillow, Sofa Garden, Pixel Girl Shop and A Full Belly.
“The idea of a pillow that looks like sushi is really funny. I love it and would definitely buy one of my own,” sophomore psychology major, Kristen McGowan, said.
Visit to get the more information on the latest news about the sushi pillow, and to see for yourself all the many flavors of this mouth-watering art.
“Here at the original sushi pillow, we have a goal of.finding the harmony between food and art. We hope that you too will find the harmony in life,” according to Tomm and Maghuyop’s message to the consumer.
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Posted to the web by Brandon Edwards