Having a summer job allows a student to get money for what they need and helps them to learn responsibility. There are many summer jobs that students take. Cabrini College offers some job sources for the students who are in the area to apply for. The Career Services website offers Job Squad. Job Squad is a listing where students from Cabrini and area residents connect with each other for local, non-professional employment.
“Last summer I worked at a law firm filing and scanning papers. I didn’t like it very much because I worked every day for the entire day,” Erin McLaughlin, sophomore elementary and special ed major, said. McLaughlin described how working for those long hours made her miss out on just hanging out on those summer days.
The jobs that are offered consist of babysitting, light housekeeping, party help, companion care and yard work. These jobs are convenient for many students because they are close to home and school. Many students have summer jobs when they are done their year at college. Many of the jobs range from high paying jobs to minimum wage jobs.
“My summer job last summer was working at a lake and teaching swimming lessons and activities at sports camps, I enjoyed it,” Ali May, sophomore finance major, said.
May was excited when she would work with children and helping them learn a skill that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
“This past summer I was a nanny and worked at sports camps and I adored every minute of it,” Jacky McDermott, senior elementary education major, said. McDermott loved getting to know the kids she babysat for and she loved hanging out with them all the time.
“At my summer job I worked for a school district where I filed papers, invoices, orders, etc. I worked 40 hours a week and also kept the book for my high school’s boys basketball summer league. I enjoyed my job because I got to work with a lot of fun people,” Jackie Eppright, sophomore social work major, said. Eppright loved going to work every day because she knew she was going to be around a lot of fun people all day long.
“Last summer I worked in a registrar’s office for a music school and did a bunch of filing and typing up concert programs. It was super boring and I didn’t enjoy it at all,” Colleen Stewart, sophomore exercise science major, said.
There are a lot of summer jobs that students apply for that they love or they don’t like at all. Cabrini offers many opportunities for students to work in the summer and be successful.