This article is in regards to the incident that happened on Sept. 24 at the apartments.
I wanted to respond to a couple of things that have been said about the situation. I am the student that had the unfortunate situation happen. I just wanted a few things cleared up, so that hopefully the rumors can stop.
There was drinking involved and that is all. There was no other substance, at the so-called party. So hopefully the rumors about all the other drugs that me and my friends supposedly do can be stopped, because none of it is true, PLEASE.
I also wanted to get across the fact that this incident had to do with me and not anyone else. Sometimes in life things do not always go how we planned, and life is not always perfect. But we grow from our mistakes.
And in regards about if people would have loved me more then maybe this would not have happened is ridiculous. I have so many people in my life that love me so much. My family is so supportive and loving of me. I am lucky to have such a giving family.
My friends love me too. They show their love to me always. My best friend has helped me get through all of this by being by my side and showing how much she cares, and if that is not love I do not know what love is. If anyone is guilty of not loving me, it’s me. Before that night, I did not love myself like I should have. I was too hard on myself and too depressed to love me. But now I can say that I love myself and my life. And it feels good!
So to those who feel that I was not loved enough really did not know me or my family or friends. I feel extremely lucky to have the LOVE from my family and friends.
I want to thank all of those people who helped me through all of this traumatic experience. I know that it was not easy for many of my friends, and that I put a lot of you in pain, and I am truly sorry for all the pain and suffering I caused any of you.
I also wanted to thank the entire Cabrini community for your thoughts and prayers.
There is help out there for those people who are depressed. Please get help. Life is too special to waste. Everyone has a purpose in life, even if you cannot find that purpose yet, it will come to you. There is help out there, do not take all of this on your own. It is too difficult to do on your own. You are loved and special. Never forget that.
The Lord works in many ways. I know that God saved my life that night because there is so many things that I have not accomplished yet. Life is too short to live miserably. There is always a brighter side to every situation. Please never give up on yourself. And always Live the Fourth!
Mary Mower