After the release of the latest “Star Wars” film, “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, announced that the company is going to delay the “Star Wars” franchise when it comes to making and releasing movies.
“I really like ‘Star Wars’ but I think Disney did make the right choice in a business sense as the popularity of ‘Star wars’ or at least the dedication to the story and the series in unfortunately on the decline,” Allison Jenkins, Cabrini sophomore, said.
Many “Star Wars” fans are tired of the multiple movies released over the years. Critics have said that they have what is called “‘Star Wars’ fatigue.”
“Star Wars” fan Saraid Hennessy said, “Personally, I feel as though this is a good choice on Disney’s part. I skipped going to the theaters to see Solo for many reasons, one being that I had just recently seen the previous release and honestly was not in the mood to see another film from the Star Wars universe quite yet.”
According to, Bob Iger stated that he thinks he made a mistake with the timing of releasing the movies and said he released “too much, too fast.”
The film recently released in May 2018, “Solo”, the origin story of Han Solo, made over $400 million worldwide, but does not compare to the other “Star Wars” movies that were released in the previous years.
According to CNN Media, compared to “Solo”, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” made $2 billion worldwide in 2015 and the “Star Wars” spinoff, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” made $1 billion in 2016.
Therefore, the movie “Solo” was considered a “flop” because of the profits made.
“Releasing too many films from the same series in quick progressions makes people lose interests. You have to make the people wait and build suspense between releases,” said Saraid.
Despite the backfire, the “Star Wars’ franchise has made over $4.5 billion since Disney took it over.
Dr. Paul Wright, a film professor at Cabrini, said “Despite these setbacks and a decision to slow down the roll-out of films each year, the future of “Star Wars” as a franchise, I predict, is just fine.”
“Star Wars” is an eminently bankable property with a huge fan base and appetite. Managing expectations will be Disney’s greatest challenge going forward, and taking time to ensure the quality of releases will be a wise approach.”
The “Star Wars” franchise has been decided to be released in December 2019 due to production issues.