Sister Trousers dance

By Lisa Broomall
November 15, 2001

On Nov.9th the Sister’s Trousers Dance Company held a workshop at the Dixon Center Dance Studio. Amy Iadarola and Jennifer Rivers Pittman were the representatives for the Dance Company that would instruct the students in the workshop.

The dance company is located mainly in the Washington D.C. area, and recently had a performance at the Kennedy Center last month. The company was performing this past Friday night at the Grace Hall Atrium

The one skill that the two instructors were reflecting to the students is that body movement can be used instead of speaking. With music in the background the members of the workshop came together in one big circle. Each member of the workshop introduced one another while moving a arm or leg.

After everyone introduced himself or herself; they also had to express an emotion by using body language. Physical movement can express emotion, speed and size when performing. The two instructors taught that time, energy and space are good qualities for actors and dancers.

The members of the workshop were split into groups of four to put each person’s movement into a sequence. Some of the dance sequences were fast or slow each having a reflection of emotion by students whom performed each sequence.

President Antoinette Iadarola stopped into the workshop and she was very happy to see how some of the students were getting involved. She also stopped in to see Amy Iadarola who happens to be President Iadarola’s niece.

Alice Howes, the artistic director of Sister’s Trousers Dance Company came in near the end of the class. She had members of the workshop clap and stomped their feet; by doing this it showed the class how rhythm is used in dance. She taught that dance movement could use beats, which can help dancers keep timing when they dance.

Overall, the workshop taught people about emotions, rhythm and dance. Students left with smiles on their faces due to the knowledge that they gained from the class.

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Lisa Broomall

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