Graduation is approaching and besides preparing for the senior caps and gowns, the senior week committee is diligently preparing for the last hoorah for the seniors before graduation. Preparations have been started in January and by polls that the seniors have taken, they essentially picked the places to go. “There was a poll for the seniors to decide what events they would like to do for senior week. You were able to vote in person and on Facebook,” Aisling Carroll, senior business administration major and Campus Activities and Programming Board member (CAP Board), said. The seniors had to choose their top-three choices. The choices were Dave and Busters, a trip to Atlantic City, midnight dinner cruise on the Spirit of Philadelphia, comedian lounge in Philadelphia, bowling and a trip to Six Flags.
The winners were the same plans as last year; Dave and Busters trip to Atlantic City and the midnight dinner cruise in Philly. “I attended every Senior Week event. I made sure I attended all of the events because I didn’t want to miss out on the last opportunity to hang out with my friends at college,” Gillian Davis, 2010 Cabrini graduate, said. Last year the dates for the senior trip were Tuesday, May 11 to Friday, May 14. The graduation ceremony was Sunday, May 16. Tuesday there was a senior picnic, Wednesday was the midnight cruise, Thursday was Dave and Busters and Friday was Atlantic City. This year, the days of the Senior Trip will be the last three days before graduation. The dates are Wednesday, May 11 to Friday, May 13. As of now it is unknown what days each trip will be on. “How it works if we call the places and book a party room. We booked a party room for Dave and Busters. I went on that trip last year and we had food such as burgers, nachos and much more. It was fun but I only knew a handful of seniors. I’m going to go on all of the trips this year,” Carroll said. Dave and Busters was a very casual event, compared to the other two trips. The bus for the midnight dinner cruise will leave around 10:30 p.m. and will be getting back to campus around 2 a.m. Everyone loads on the buses to go to the cruise and on your way in you get your picture taken with your friends.
There is a buffet, dancing and a bar. This is an event where you can dress up more formal. “I had a great time with all the senior week activities. My favorite had to be the Spirit of Philadelphia Cruise because there was a buffet. What’s better than endless food while cruising downthe Schuylkill river?” Davis said.“I would recommend doing theSpirit of Philadelphia Cruiseagain. It’s a unique experiencethat definitely creates memoriesfor the graduating class.”The Atlantic City trip it isduring the day. The bus leavesCabrini at 4 p.m. and will getback around midnight.“When we order the bus,they have special deals with thecasino. You can get a specialvoucher with the casino. Thevoucher will be $25 for the slotsand you are able to go off and dowhatever you would like to do,”Peter Morrison, junior Spanishsecondary education major andC.A.P. Board member, said.“If you don’t take the busthere and back to Atlantic City,then you will not be able to getthe voucher.
Last year the busdrop off was at the Hilton butthis time it depends on the buscompany, but you can walk theboardwalk and visit the other hotels,”Carroll said.Most of the seniors decidedto book their own hotel roomsbecause the Atlantic City trip isonly offered during the day. Theywanted to experience the nightlifescene there.“I went to Atlantic City onFriday with my friends but wedidn’t go through the school becausewe wanted to stay overnightand get a hotel room. Manyseniors chose to organize theirown trip to AC and stay over becauseCabrini’s trip was duringthe day and the bus left at night,”Jen Wozniak, 2010 Cabrini graduate,said.The prices for all of theseevents are $15 for each trip separately.
If you decide to go on allof the trips, you can buy yourtickets all together and that pricewill be $40.“All seniors should try to doall the senior week activities.They are fun, affordable and agreat opportunity to hang outwith everyone in your class beforegraduation,” Wozniak said.There are only a certainamount of tickets for theseevents. It is based on a first comefirst serve basis so it is highlyrecommended to purchase thesetickets as soon as they are onsale.College is an experience thatonly lasts for so long. These arememories that will last for a lifetimeand attending the seniortrips just gives you a great opportunityto get together with everyonein your grade. After college,it might be difficult to set up reunionsbecause of everyone’sdifferent living arrangements.“You have to realize this isyour last chance to hang out withall your friends before you enterthe “real world.” It gave us allthe chance to reminisce and totalk about our future plans whilecreating new memories and enjoyingour last moments at Cabrini,”Davis said.