Senator honored with Ivy Young Willis Award

By Katie McNulty
March 31, 2005

Pennsylvania State Sen. Connie Williams was honored with the 2005 Ivy Young Willis Award. President Iadarola introduced and presented Williams with this award on March 17 before a diverse audience of Cabrini students, faculty, and members of the community.

Jaclyn Fox, a senior history and political science major and the president of the history club, began the ceremony with a speech. She spoke about the purpose of the award and why Williams was chosen as the 2005 recipient.

Dr. Jolyon Girard, a history and political science professor, commented on how the recipients are chosen each year. “We go out and find people of substance, women, who have made some contribution of significance to their community,” Girard said.

Before being presented with her award, Williams made an inspiring speech mainly focusing on women’s rights throughout the world. “Women’s rights are human rights,” Williams said.

She spoke of her attendance and experience at the Forth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995 and what was accomplished.

“The Women in the United States are still fortunate compared to the women throughout the world,” Williams said. She talked about the misfortunes women face in third world countries and what must be done to move them closer to equality.

After Williams gave her speech, she then opened the floor questions. She said she was impressed with the Cabrini audience.

“I was glad to see the women asking as many questions as the men,” Williams said. The audience asked Williams how she got started in politics and what impact it had on her life. She responded by saying that running for office was the best thing she ever did. Her father was involved in politics so it was almost hereditary for her to be involved with politics.

Philip Nicolo, a sophomore criminal justice major said, “I admire the Senator for her contribution to making an even playing field for men and women.”

The event ended with a reception in the mansion.

Posted to the web by Shawn Rice

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Katie McNulty

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