Sex, let the word sink into your pours and expose the pleasure that it can give between someone you care about or the fling of the week.
The exploration of sexual encounters is something that students experiment with while at college. From their first weeks on campus relationships are formed by the swipe of an Apple phone screen. What are you doing later? Do you want to come over, is often code for something more. This isn’t for the relationships or the prom king and queen who have dated for years but for the students who are having sex.
“It’s not a necessity but most people engage in sex at college,” freshman, Chelsea Jones said.
Of course, there are papers to be written and clubs to be involved in. However, sex serves as an extra curricular that isn’t publicly advertised but is as well known on campus.
Jones who hasn’t officially declared a major at Cabrini but who is interested in secondary-mathematics , seems to be well-informed about sex on campus.
When asked “What do you think about sex at Cabrini” Jones and her friends said in unison ” we were just talking about that.” The talk is real and isn’t something that is fabricated or miss represented.
” Freshman come to college and they are officially off a leash. So they are trying to experience everything they can in the first couple weeks of college and sex is definitely high up there.,” Tori Buckley, a freshman friend of Jones, said.
College is a time for maturity and that includes a better understanding on your whole self. Intellectually, morally, spiritually and even sexually.
This doesn’t mean constantly viewing pornography or gossiping about others personal sexual encounters but having a better appreciation for sex as it relates to human interaction and culture on campus. Given the discretion of personal college decisions not everyone finds sexual awareness important.
Imani Mawusi, a sophomore gasped at hearing the word “sex.” Thrown off by the conversation that was about to come up, the Philadelphia native admitted that she had sex while at Cabrini.
As if at a deposition hearing, Mawusi answers were conservative.
“I think people talk about it amongst friends, but not like walking around talking about sex,” said Mawusi.
Mawusi also thinks that you shouldn’t be ashamed about talking about sex, especially with friends.
Some college students don’t stress about sex and the potential stigmas that come from it.
Students like senior, finance major, Leland Taylor thinks there is a lack of information accessible to students who are having sex. Taylor isn’t sexually active but thinks it is apart of maturing, and “expressing emotions.”
” I think there should be more sexual education. There isn’t enough,” said Taylor. “I feel like people know how to have sex, but protecting themselves and informing them on the dangers people need to know more.”
Student medical services are a resource on campus that helps students with their personal health care which includes sexual health. Their offices are located in the basement of Founders and are responsible for helping educate students on the health effects of lifestyle choices on campus.
Student medical services mission statement which is located on Cabrini’s website, “is to provide quality, confidential, age‑appropriate care that is accessible, affordable, cost‑effective, and culturally sensitive.”
According, to TIMES magazine college hook-ups are decreasing. In a study led by author Martin Monto, a professor of sociology at the University of Portland in Oregon, states that less millennial students now participate in sex with multiple partners than their parents generation x.
“College students today are not having more sexual partners [after] age 18, more sexual partners over the last year or more sex than their parents,” Martino said.
From the students surveyed 77% of college students surveyed have regular partners from Monto’s study.
Is that number high?
Sophomore, business major Mohammed Konneh is single and okay with saying that he is sexually active. He is apart of more than 3/4 of college campuses who enjoy having sex.
“It is not about sex it is about getting it,” Konneh said. “It’s fun!.”
Hook-ups are out there in campus dorms, off -campus parties and easily accessible to people who want it. The public may not publicize that students are having sex but they are.
“I don’t think its part of the college experience, but us being human beings its natural to have sexual activities. We are at that age its normal to go out and bang someone,” Christine Daniel, Junior, mathematics major said.
What is the benefit of having sex?
The benefit of having sex is having sex.
Daniel’s says that the hook-up world is dominating over the relationship world on campus.
“Relationships are decreasing because more and more people are just hooking up. There is no need for relationships unless they necessarily want that personal connection,” Daniel said.
Sex could just distress your life or allow you to work out the natural urges you feel as an attractive person walks by you in the Cafe. Without furthering that imagery, attraction between two people is natural and often shown physically. Sex is simply the climax of those feelings . At some point in time you will have to explore sex and the way it makes you feel.
Senior, business major Kristofer Knight hit the nail on the head. “It depends on the person, some people are religious,”
Knight had been more sexual in previous years at Cabrini but thinks that sex for him is something that doesn’t determine his growth as a person.
” You can find out about yourself without sex,” said Knight.
By now the word sex has been sired into your frontal lobe, mentioned over 19 times to emphasis that the world is natural. Something you can use to explore your sexuality while in college or something that you will preserve for the right person.
If you are having sex remember to always be safe. Be in charge of the conversation about sex on Cabrini’s campus.