Romney stood strong in 3rd debate.

By Anthony Sestito
October 24, 2012

It was hard to determine who actually won the third and final Presidential debate. The two candidates’ argued about how they would make America a more stable and better place to live. Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama both held their grounds as the punches started to fly early on Monday, Oct.22.

The third debate touched  on a few new topics such as America’s role in the world , our longest war in Afghanistan, red lines regarding Israel and Iran, the changing Middle East and the new face of terrorism, the rise of China and tomorrow’s world and foreign policy.

The first topic was foreign policy, a topic that is difficult to measure based off of the candidates differences in opinions. I believe that Romney had the better half of this argument as he beat Obama at his own game. He started off by saying

“America’s ability to influence events for the better in Iraq has been undermined by the abrupt withdrawal of our entire troop presence. The president tried-and failed-to secure a gradual drawdown that would have better secured our gains.”

If you listen and read what Romney said you can see that he did not in fact say that the troops should still be in Iraq. Obama did try to extend force agreements that had already been signed by the Bush administration, but failed at trying to get a deal with the Iraqi government. The deal would have help protect the U.S. forces from being prosecuted under the Iraqi law.

Obama started to cut down Romney’s idea even though what Romney has said is exactly what Obama hoped to achieve while he was in office, so why is he trash talking his own ideas and beliefs? Obama and Romney both agree on the same Foreign polices so there is not much difference between the two in this argument.

It was a heated debate and the last chance for the candidates to spread their message, in hopes of capturing more supporters with every question that they answered. Romney was calm when President Obama was addressing the crowd on is issues and when it came down to who has more control over the microphone and the floor, Romney took the cake as well.

Many will argue that the president looked better than Romney did but you have to give Romney credit where credit is due. Romney looked strong in the debate keeping up with what Obama was saying and giving his own remarks even when it was not his turn to speak. Obama has more experience with Foreign policy than Romney does but Mitt looked good just by hanging in there.

Obama promised us change four years ago, and I think America will see change in the next four years, just not with Obama as president.

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Anthony Sestito

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