Plans to increase troop levels in progress

By Brittany Liberatore
December 1, 2006

The United States Defense Department is considering an increase in American troop levels, according to an article in The New York Times. This increase will coincide with an addition of thousands more trainers to work with Iraqi forces. These are the plans that were considered after a review of the Iraq strategy that is already in place. Although these plans are extensive, they are predicted to be temporary.

According to The New York Times, the increase in American troops, if this plan becomes a reality, would raise the troop level by approximately 20,000. This boost is in hopes of improving safety in Iraq.

The military is currently stretched out so much that this expected increase would not be able to last for a long period of time, according to Gen. John P. Abizaid, the head of the United States Central Command.

The United States Defense Department is considering an increase in American troop levels, according to an article in The New York Times. This increase will coincide with an addition of thousands more trainers to work with Iraqi forces. These are the plans that were considered after a review of the Iraq strategy that is already in place. Although these plans are extensive, they are predicted to be temporary.

According to The New York Times, the increase in American troops, if this plan becomes a reality, would raise the troop level by approximately 20,000. This boost is in hopes of improving safety in Iraq.

The military is currently stretched out so much that this expected increase would not be able to last for a long period of time, according to Gen. John P. Abizaid, the head of the United States Central Command.

If these plans of an increase in troops take place in the United States, who will make up all the troops? Ten Cabrini College students were asked if they had ever thought about joining the military. Out of the 10 who were asked, only one student has ever thought about joining the military. These are the responses from the students:

 “No, I never thought about joining the military because I wouldn’t want to go to war, but I have a lot of respect for those who do it though.”
-Steve TreDenick, junior criminal justice major

 “I don’t think I’ve ever considered it. I fully support all the men and women in the armed forces, but I don’t think it’s something that fits with me.”
-Kristie Sandefur, sophomore psychology major

 “To be honest, I’ve never really given it any thought; I guess because I’d rather focus on my education. Although, if I couldn’t afford school, I’d probably give it some more thought since the military offers to pay for your education after your service.”
-Brian Scelzo, junior finance major

 “I wouldn’t mind helping out the war effort in another way, but actually joining the military and fighting in combat would not be for me; I don’t think I would even be able to survive boot camp.”
– Andrea Mory, sophomore business major

 “No, I never thought about joining the military because I never want someone else telling me what to do in every aspect of my life.”
– Rachel Davis, sophomore biology/clinical lab
sciences major

 “Joining the military never looked like something I would want to do. I never considered anything but going to college right out of high school.”
– Alexis Merrill, freshman secondary education and
history major

 “Yes I have considered joining the military because it gets you in shape physically and mentally and you get paid great money in the long run, but I wouldn’t be accepted into the military because I have a plate and six screws in my arm. I was going to apply for a marine program in the summer It helps out with tuition, you get paid for going and you don’t have to commit to the military. I didn’t because it was in Virginia and it was for 10 weeks.”
– Eric Euganeo, freshman exercise science major

 “No, I never considered joining the military. I wouldn’t be able to finish school, and I honestly don’t think I’d be mentally prepared for war.”
– Lauren Aiken, junior English and communication major

 “No, I never thought about joining the military. I’d rather get an education than risk my life. I went to a school in a military base and just watching the soldiers there, supports my decision of not wanting to join the military.”
– Julian Cruz, junior human resources management major

 “I thought about joining the military when I was little because I used to like to play war games with my brother and his friends and I thought it would be cool to have a gun. But now, I haven’t thought about joining the military because the thought of a bullet in my stomach scares me.”
– Amanda Urquhart, sophomore exercise science major

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Brittany Liberatore

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