It is that time again. It happens every week. Classes are over, you can stay in and relax. Nothing to worry about until you start your week again on Monday. That’s right, I’m talking about the weekend. You look forward to it all week and once it is here you just wish for it to never end.
But what do you do during the weekend? Apparently most likely you’re going home. As amazing as Cabrini University is, many people could consider it a “suitcase school.” An online definition of a suitcase school is, “A college that is a predominately residential campus, unlike a commuter school, but where a significant percentage of students go home for the weekend. Suitcase schools tend to be less selective and have a majority of students who live in a close travel radius to the school.”
I know a lot of people who live on campus and during the week it is very life-like. But the second the weekend comes around it is dead. It is like a complete different atmosphere on the weekend then during the week where you can always find people about and have things to do. Sure, there are still people on campus during the weekend but where are they? A lot of people complain about never having a parking on campus, but once the weekend hits they can have any spot that they want.
A couple of my friends and I like to go on walks at night around campus just to see the surroundings. During the week, no matter what time we go out you can always see and hear people roaming about. Whether it be to head back to their dorms, their friend’s place
or even a drive somewhere. But, when we do go for a walk on the weekends, the campus just feels so lifeless and empty. But at the point, we are going on a walk around campus because we have nothing better to do.
For one reason or another, a lot of my friends go home on the weekend. Some might go home because they just feel more comfortable being at home but still want that feeling of living on campus. Others may go home because something might come up and they would rather be at home than on campus. I also have a lot of friends that are commuters or want to be commuters in the upcoming semester. Johnny Myers, who used to live on campus but now commutes told me that, “Deciding to commute was probably one of the best decisions that I could have made.”
I live on campus and I pretty much never go home. But that is not by choice. If I could, I probably would be among the many people who go home on the weekends. Between living about 25 minutes away and my dad working about 10 minutes from school getting home isn’t an issue for me. But with being in the show here at Cabrini and all of the school work that I have, it is just easier for me to stay on campus. At the end of the day it is up to you if you feel like staying or not.