New hall brings new living options for residents

By Laura Van De Pette
November 4, 2004

The fall semester of 2006 will provide 120 resident students with an additional housing option that will be a cross between New Residence Hall and Cabrini Apartment Complex.

In recent years, Cabrini’s retention rate, the number of students staying at Cabrini from freshmen year to graduation, has increased, making housing more difficult every year. Last year, Residence Life even offered seniors housing at nearby Harcum College, but this option only angered seniors and forced them to consider off-campus housing at local apartment complexes. To stop this trend from continuing, Cabrini has new housing plans that will please current sophomores and freshmen.

Jessica Boettger, a sophomore early childhood and elementary education major, said, “I am thrilled about having a new housing option because it will alleviate the pressure of trying to find an off-campus apartment my senior year.”

As construction on the highly anticipated Science Education and Technology building is completed, Cabrini will begin another construction project on the new hall. Residence Life is currently completing construction drawings and plans to break ground for the new hall in early spring 2005.

Kevin Quinn, a sophomore biology and pre-med major, said, “The new hall will be more convenient as many students do not want to move off-campus. The hall also proves that Residence Life and Student Development listened to students’ concerns about housing and responded with a solution.”

The new building will be built on the west side of campus, between the Cabrini Apartment Complex and house seven.

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Laura Van De Pette

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