Alumni ‘Transition’ into new phase of life

By Danielle Alio
July 8, 2010

"Transitions" radio hosts Cally McCurdy and Jon Mimm, host their radio podcast at a Borders bookstore in North Wales Pa.

Graduating from college or starting a new job may be a time of uncertainty and confusion.  Some may know exactly what they want to do or be while others may feel lost or in shock that a phase of their life is over.

A few recent college graduates and upperclassmen from a wide variety of colleges and universities came together and created a new radio magazine for all of those racing towards a new phase in life.  The hour-long podcast is called “Transitions” and it was originally started in April by young adults coming from schools including Cabrini College, Arcadia University, Millersville University, Penn State University and Temple University.

“Transitions” is an online radio magazine.  We have different sections: nightlife, South Jersey, current events, lifestyles and travel. We talk about things of interest to the after-college crowd.  We want to help those who are coming out of college.  We want to find news that’s interesting for them and the hot spots in Philadelphia that they want to go to.  It’s really exciting that we get to bring people together,” Noelle Westfall, associate producer of “Transitions” and Cabrini College class of 2010 graduate, said.

The show is geared to help listeners with most aspects of life while they transition into a new phase.  Starting a new part of life may require a drastic change such as moving a new city.  “Transitions” is supposed to help young adults become acquainted with Philadelphia and the surrounding areas.

“We have two main hosts and four contributors and we have a guest on the show and bands that play.  We talk about current events and different issues like style and travel.  It’s a lot of exciting stuff,” Melissa Leon, lifestyle and travel contributor for “Transitions” and senior at Arcadia University, said.

The “Transitions” crew tries to cover as many new things as possible in each show.  Each week, the show features helpful guests anywhere from inspirational speakers to those with financial and job advice. Each week there is also an up-and-coming band or musician who is trying to break into the music business.

“It throws ideas out there that people probably haven’t thought of before. You’re always looking for a job even if you have a job out of college, you know, you’re probably looking for a better one.  It’s always nice to have different ideas floating around each week,” Dan Schmidt, current events contributor for “Transitions” and Penn State graduate of 2010, said.

The show has a website that features a free downloadable podcast as well as video clips from its YouTube channel of the live broadcasts at different venues throughout the city and surrounding areas.

Each of the crewmembers rely on each other each week to produce a successful show.  They meet every Tuesday night to plan out the final details before the live Thursday broadcast each week.  Janene Gibbons, executive producer for “Transitions” and Cabrini College class of 2009 graduate, stressed the importance of working together as a team with people one trusts.

“It does take a lot of passion.  It takes a lot of organization and help.  You know, I think one of the main things is that it is a production company not a production person.  You can’t do it by yourself.  I am really grateful that I have people who are dedicated and committed.  They are in it because it is a product that they see has the potential to help people’s lives.  It’s really a community thing and when you do something for the community, it comes back to you in big ways,” Gibbons said.

The show has not yet been able to make a profit for those working and contributing to the new project.  The crew is hopeful that they will find sponsors to help support their project financially.  As of right now, all of the finances come out of the pockets of those involved.

“You know it’s definitely difficult to come into something and just want to give 110 percent and not get paid for it or not get any money and not even know where it’s going to go.  If you want to start something and it’s your passion like hands down it’s what you want to do, then take a shot in the dark and do it,” Cally McCurdy, host for “Transitions” and Penn State University class of 2010 graduate, said.

Those involved with the show hope to serve as an example to other young adults to not be afraid of chasing after what they want in life.

“Figure out what your dream is at first.  Then, point yourself in the general direction of that dream and work your way up from there.  Love what you do and show others that you love what you’re going to do in your future,” Lee Lansman, head of sponsor relations for “Transitions,” said.

One can follow the “Transitions” project by going to the website at as well as on Facebook, Jumpstart-This-Production’s (Transitions Radio) and Twitter, TransitionR.

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Danielle Alio

Danielle Alio
Cabrini College '12
The Loquitur Manging Editor
LOQation Executive Producer
WYBF FM - On Air DJ/Assistant Production Director
Cabrini College Theater-Stage Crew/Actress

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