New professor that makes higher education a possibility for those that cannot afford it

By Ashley Lodise
September 16, 2016

Dr. Whitaker, assistant professor and education director of district and school relations, is the new addition to the Cabrini University family. Dr. Whitaker’s office can be found on the third floor of Founders Hall in Rm. 310 A.

“What makes Dr. Robert Whitaker such an asset to Cabrini University is his commitment to the mission of Cabrini University,” Dr. Beverly Bryde, dean of the school of education, said.

Whitaker prefers teaching at a higher level of education because he is able to help students in need of financial aid and to provide the services lower income families need.

He researches the urban schools in the area and finds the students who struggle or lack the resources they need to pursue a higher level of education. Whitaker makes it possible, primarily for African American and Latino students to get the higher-level education they need.

Dr. Angela Campbell, assistant professor of education, explained that Dr. Whitaker is big on helping first generation students.

Aside from doing this research work, Whitaker also teaches classes in which he sees his students growing each class. After every class, he reflects back to see how he can push his students to work harder and be as successful as possible.

Whitaker enjoys seeing improvements in his students.

“They are good [and] are growing,” Whitaker said.

Dr. Angela Campbell, assistant professor of education, is quite excited about the upcoming partnerships that she gets to work with Dr. Whitaker on.

“He is truly inspiring and it is quite an honor to work with Dr. Whitaker. He is passionate about lifting crime, concerned about his students, and big on mentoring students as well,” Campbell said.

Growing up in West Philadelphia, Whitaker experienced first hand the struggle that urban kids endure during the most prosperous time in their educational years. He completed his doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at Duquesne University, a master’s degree in Education from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as a master’s degree in Business Administration from Eastern University and an undergraduate degree in Urban Leadership and Biblical Studies at Geneva College. Whitaker graduated magna cum laude in his class at Geneva College.

“I am a product of the archdioceses,” Whitaker said.

Dr. Beverly Bryde expressed that Dr. Whitaker has a strong and deep connection in building relationships with the schools around Cabrini University.

In Whitaker’s efforts to helping low-income families he also strongly believes in Cabrini University’s’ core curriculum of social justice.

“It is truly a pleasure to work with him,” Bryde said.

“Dr. Whitaker is keen in seeing different relations as beneficial,” Kyla Cavanaugh, graduate admissions recruiter, said.

Cavanaugh works with Whitaker in recruiting those students from the urban setting. She enjoys working with him and cannot wait to see what the year brings.

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Ashley Lodise

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