Need for Speed

By Antonio Masone
September 18, 2003

KRT campus

The last thing a college student wants to spend their already scarce money supply on is a speeding ticket. Although young adults are said to be the most reckless when it comes to driving, they are also the least capable when it comes to paying up.

Sophomore internet computing major Annie Nguyen received a ticket for driving 10 mile per hour over the speed limit on King of Prussia Road, and running a red light. ” It was yellow and I ran through it because I thought I could make it. I was in a hurry. I think the cops were targeting my car because they followed me all the way to Cabrini. I did not see any until I was driving past Woodcrest,” Nguyen said.

Jamie Lewis, a junior English and communications major, said, “I was pulled over on the way to a funeral in Hershey traveling 95 mph in a 65 mph speed zone. I was driving alone and it was a male cop, he had no sympathy about the fact that I was on my way to a funeral. Besides paying a $195 fine, I was forced by law to take a test to lower my points to keep my license,” Lewis said

Junior graphic design major Sean Fogle was pulled over driving on PA 476 for driving 30 mph over the 55 mph speed limit. The officer told Fogle that he could appeal the ticket, and decided it would be worth the shot. ” The officer told me exactly what was going to happen. He told me I could appeal the ticket, or pay the fine and accept the four points on my license. I forgot my court date and got the points,” Fogle said.

The Radnor Police Department has been known to be tough around the Cabrini area when it comes to reckless driving. Officers can be seen nightly sitting in the park outside the Eagle Road entrance, waiting for daring drivers to break the law.

Appealing the ticket is always an option. Help and information on how to go about appealing a ticket can be found on web-sites such as

Bogus Stickets
Legal Libraries
US Lawbooks
Posted to the web by Angelina Wagner

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Antonio Masone

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