Men’s tennis sets sights on conference matches

By Abigail Keefe
March 31, 2005

Laura Giorlando

Having two trips under their belts, the Men’s Tennis team is hopeful for a PAC Championship.

Upon their return from winter break, the team began working with their trainer, Drew Wallace, and geared their focus towards physical fitness. “We have also been concentrating on taking an individual’s strength and basing an entire style of plan around their strength,” said Co-captain Michael Sofia, a senior political science major. “Each match coach is complemented on the ability this team has to play out each ball and really have the strength and endurance to remain 100 percent three hours into a match. We have Drew to thank for that,” said Sofia.

This preseason training would not only help them with preparation them for the season, but for their practice trips over spring and Easter breaks.

The team was looking forward to the warmer weather, but were even more eager to get the chance to get in more practice time outside, as they headed to Hilton Head, SC over spring break. “The South Carolina trip is always our time to build unity and morale amongst the players and this year was no different,” said Sofia. Matt Ingram, sophomore English/communications major, said not only did the trip get the team playing outside, but playing those tougher Division II teams “builds our confidence and energy to come back to Pennsylvania and dominate.”

Just a few weeks after their return from Hilton Head and after taking a win at home, 7-0, over Neumann College on March 21, the team again boarded another plane, this time to Laguna Beach, Calif. “We’re heading down there because it’s the week before we play some of the tougher teams in the PAC,” said Ingram. “The weather is more promising and we get to play some West Coast tennis.”

“We were excited to leave the West Coast with a win,” Sofia said.

The coaching staff, according to Sofia, “has been nothing short of amazing.” Players say the hiring of Rich Aldrete “really helped the team, physically and mentally. He’s able to build confidence in each of his players while helping all of us with our game.” Assistant Coach Scott Giblin, a former Cabrini Men’s Tennis captain, has “knowledge and understanding of not only the game but each of our games individually helps us improve with each match,” said Sofia.

“Our plans are simple, continue to work hard, train relentlessly and put in our practice time,” Sofia said. We want to “go out there each match and give it the best we have and hopefully win a PAC Championship,” said Ingram.

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Abigail Keefe

Abigail Keefe is a Cabrini College student studying communications, enjoying her time in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Abbie loves working for the school newspaper, the Loquitur, and is also passionate about everything that the communication field has to offer.

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