Men’s basketball ranked 23rd

By Staff Writer
November 21, 2002

How sweet it must have been to be one of the top 16 teams in the nation for division three men’s college basketball last year. The men’s basketball team has a lot to live up to this upcoming season to continue its successful history.

The men’s basketball team is the winningest division three basketball program in the country. “That says a lot.” head coach John Dzik said. The cavaliers made it to the Sweet 16 last year, won eight championships in the past 10 years, two of which were the past two seasons. They are ranked 23 in the country according to DIII news, and out of 300 division three teams across the country this allows the men’s basketball team to be placed in the top 10 percent.

“My expectations are probably different then everyone else’s. I don’t really have any expectations any year except to do the best that you can.” Dzik said.

The men’s basketball team is not favored to win the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference this year. Newman College is favored to win the PAC this year. Due to an addition of a division one center transfer, Newman looks like the best team on paper. Cabrini is tied with Alvernia College in second. “I am kind of happy not to be number one, we’re always number one and its like everyone gets excited to play us. Maybe people will get less excited to play us this year and more excited to play Newman.” Dzik said.

In terms of players “Brian Wood is probably the player that we could not afford to lose. Brian usually averages a double/double in every single game.” Dzik said. Beyond that Dzik is looking for seniors Kris Pittman, Tim Maddox, and Bill Rookstool to lead the team this year. “We need to have good players out of the seniors this year if we are going to have a good season. They have to lead by word and example to let the other players understand what it takes. Its their team, they really are the key components to any success.” Dzik said.

Coach Dzik has prepared a packed schedule for men this season starting with tournaments in Virginia, Florida, and Maryland. Dzik describes it as a preparation of success. “One of the reasons we were successful last year in the NCAA and the PAC’s was because we won on the road. By playing on the road you are able to learn what it takes to win on the road. It’s you against everybody.” Dzik said

This year starts John Dzik’s 23rd year as head coach of Cabrini College and he has never had as many home games then away games on their schedule. They start their fist PAC game against Newman College on Saturday Dec. 14. Newman is the men’s only PAC game the first semester. “That’s a big game.” Dzik said. Other big games for Dzik and the men’s basketball team will include Alvernia. “Games against Alvernia are always big games. There is a rivalry especially in men’s basketball.” Dzik said. Misericordia will also look to be a big game for the men this season. They return with a first team all American senior who is the leading scorer in the country.

“The freshmen are in a little bit of a tough spot this year due to the fact that there are a lot of seniors who are experienced. We have some good freshmen that are talented. They will be called upon next year to make an impact. With seven seniors leaving there are a lot of open spaces for next year. ” Dzik said.

Dzik understands that many people are saying if they don’t make it to the Sweet 16, then they are a failure, and if they don’t win the league then they are a failure. “I always feel pressured to live up to the reputation of Cabrini College basketball. There is a lot of high expectations and I hope the players understand that its about doing our best. If you do your best, then you can take the results no matter what they may be.” Dzik said.

With hearts, smarts, and togetherness, (something chanted after every huddle of the men’s basketball team,) they look ahead to a more successful season then ever.

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