Living a Meatless Lifestyle

By Se'Quia Bailey
March 12, 2013

I understand that in life you will face diversity across the board. There are people with different skin color, ethnicities, likes, dislikes, genders, religions and other like things. Because of this understanding, should an individual become vegetarian? Sure if that’s their personal desire then why not?

Some of my friends are vegetarian and they get creative with their meals. I learned a lot from them such as the many things that they do and do not eat.

Some head-strong vegetarians often times argue that killing animals for food is not fair. The opposing arguments towards that is that they eventually die anyway so killing them is not really a bad thing because of that. Honestly, that is true and you can not impose your ideas on others.

Many non-vegetarians argue that meat provides a source of protein. While that stands true, vegetarians do have things they can eat in order to obtain the proper protein that meat-eaters get. My friends and family members who chose to be vegetarian often times are the biggest fans of nuts.

A big reason why I believe some people become vegetarian is because of health reasons. Some people believe that becoming vegetarian can help them diet. Dieting for some may mean giving up fatty foods such as meat.

Becoming a vegetarian in that case is absurd. I mean personally if you regulate your diet and not eat fried foods and possibly grill or bake your foods that’s another way of becoming healthy.

However being the person I am, God provided me with meat so please let me eat! I know some people believe that it is contradicting to eat meat and be an animal lover but who can resist chicken! I have no ill feelings towards vegetarians because they make way with the resources that they have.

You must be understanding that some people will agree with you and others won’t. Being religious has nothing to do with why I eat meat. However, all things were given by God and I have a right to enjoy them. Right?

I remember watching a documentary on McDonald’s called “Super Size Me.” In this documentary  Morgan Spurlock ate McDonald’s everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He wanted to show and prove to America why they were obese and why they needed to diet.

Many of my friends who watched this documentary wanted to become vegetarian because of all the negativity Morgan Spurlock was shedding on it. I believed that it was ridiculous because the way I see it is what person in their right mind constantly eat McDonald’s for each meal of the day?

Becoming a vegetarian is more than just giving up meat because some random man eats McDonald’s everyday to show its negative effects. Especially when realisitically the average healthy person is not eating McDonald’s all day everyday.  Don’t we all have to die from something anyway?

Making the decision to become a vegetarian should have a sort of purpose. Becoming a vegetarian should be because you want to try something new and different. Maybe even giving up meat for life for a reasonable cause for a loved one. Maybe giving up meat because it’s actually cause of major health problems in your life. Whatever it is, ultimately it is your choice that no one can change once you have a made up mind.

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Se'Quia Bailey

Hello, My name is Se'Quia Bailey I am a double major in Criminology and Communication. I have been a staff writer for the Loquitur newspaper for two years and co-lifestyles editor for one year. I am the manager of the Women's basketball team at Cabrini College as well as a Student Ambassador. I devote time to community service as well.

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