letter to the Editor

By Staff Writer
April 29, 2004

Dear Editor, I have heard from some youngsters that America is an Imperialist Empire and I have to wonder in amazement at who teaches these things. Here is a list of the countries America has freed or protected with force from Dictators, Nationalist Socialism, and Communism, and are still free today.

1945-50 population freed
Japan 127,000,000
Philippines 75,000,000
Micronesia 540,000
Germany 43,000,000
France 59,000,000
Italy 57,000,000
Belgium 10,000,000
Netherlands 16,000,000
Norway 4,500,000
Solomon isl. 430,000
Denmark 5,300,000
Austria 8,000,000

Korea 47,000,000
Taiwan 23,000,000

Grenada 85,000
Nicarauga 5,500,000
El Salvador 6,000,000
East Germany 38,000,000
Poland 39,000,000
Romania 22,000,000
Bulgaria 8,000,000
Hungry 10,000,000
Czech Rep 10,100,000
Estonia 1,500,000
Latvia 2,300,000
Lithuania 3,400,000
Slovakia 5,400,000
Russia Fed 146,000,000

Kuwait 2,500,000

Afghanistan 23,500,000
Iraq 25,500,000
total 823,555,000 people

Yes thats almost 1 billion people, over the last 59 years, given freedom and still living free. All thanks to the Imperialist Empire of the United States of America.

Thanks, Virginia Stafford

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