Late night luxuries

By Matthew Stewart
November 21, 2008

The stereotype that a typical college student thrives off of Ramen Noodles, take out and Easy Mac is very true.

A constant diet of this can lead to the infamous freshman 15.

The cafeteria doesn’t offer the same food choices that would be offered at Late Night and, in my case, the late night alternative is what I sometimes prefer.

I believe other students choose this option because they don’t enjoy some of the options in the cafeteria. This may lead most students to choose the less healthy alternatives of Wawa or takeout.

Students choose Late Night and take out because it’s familiar territory. With no menu outside of the cafeteria, some days it’s hard knowing what’s available. A menu should be provided to those who request one.

I also feel that students could have more of a say in what is served in the cafeteria by conducting surveys of what dishes are most popular among students, as well as a way to determine new meal ideas.

The only way I can tell if scanning my ID is worth it sometimes is if I can see a line in front of Red Hot Chef from the Founders Hallway. If nothing good is in the cafeteria students feel slighted out of a meal, but that is where late night comes into play.

Last year, late night was in the cafeteria and offered foods like chicken fingers, curly fries and cheese steaks. While it’s no longer being done this year, I enjoyed this option because it was convenient when I had flex dollars but no actual cash on hand.

I also enjoyed the food better than what was on the menu at Campus Corner. I was not happy with the decision to get rid of the cafeteria late night.

While I appreciate the fact that Sandella’s is open late, I feel it is neither a step forward nor backward. It offers the food it serves during the day but I never wait until later in the day to have their food.

If students wanted to have that food, it’s possible that having it available later won’t suddenly make students want it any more than they wanted it during the day.

A possibility is to have certain foods that will encourage students to attend, or offer cheaper late night prices.

I feel the constant hustle and bustle of a college student’s daily schedule can lead to the freshmen 15 and bad eating habits overall.

With the rigors of classes, there is often not enough time to eat as healthy as a person could. Students will tend to take the faster alternative of takeout, but that way isn’t always the healthiest.

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Matthew Stewart

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