Lady Cavs suffer one point loss

By Kaitlin Barr
December 8, 2006

Meghan Hurley

On Thursday, Nov. 30 at 6:00, the women’s basketball team battled Chestnut Hill in a physical and challenging game.

In the first half the women completely dominated every part of the game, from rebounds, to steals, to finishing their shots and playing intense defense, no one could have imagined the outcome of this game. Sophomores Kate Ryan, Nikki Duggan, Casey Kyler, Kayleen Smith and Melissa Benedetti, and freshmen Deana DiAmico, Kate Walck and Kasey Agostinacchio, were all key players in this game. Duggan and Agostinacchio’s three-point shooting, or the outstanding rebounding from Kyler and Smith; each strength was used on the court against Chestnut Hill.

Although all of these aspects were major contributors in the first half, it wasn’t enough for the Cavaliers to pull off the win in the second half. Chestnut Hill came out ready to play when they stepped back on the court in the second half.

Chestnut Hill sophomore Marianne Frinfrock, was a threat as she added 10 much needed points to put her team back in the game. This was the first time the sisters played against each other since they both attended Haverford High.

As the second half progressed, Cabrini’s women had difficulty performing in many areas. Missed shots, early fouls and turnovers by the Cavaliers were some reasons Chestnut Hill was able to come back into the game.

In the final few minutes of the game, Ryan was able to hit two crucial shots to bring Cabrini back into the game. On a great play in the last seconds, Smith was fouled going up for a lay-up. To freeze her up a little, Chestnut Hill called a time out, forcing Smith to walk away from the foul line. After missing both foul shots, Cabrini grabbed the final rebound, but missed at the attempted shot, making Chestnut Hill win over Cabrini 55-54.

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Kaitlin Barr

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