Lady Cavs look to continue winning streak in PAC play

By Kaitlin Barr
April 26, 2007

Cabrini Athletics

The women’s lacrosse team has had something reoccurring in each of the last eight games they’ve played together; they’ve won them all. With a 13-2-0 overall record, and a 9-0 record in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, the Lady Cavaliers are finishing up their scheduled season on a high note.

“We have two key words for the 2007 season and they are team and

intensity. When we play as a team and give 110 percent intensity, we will win

games and I think that has made a huge impact on the last eight games we

have won,” senior business administration major Allison Sachs said.

For eight of the 27 players who are seniors, their season is coming to an end; forever.

“There aren’t many adult leagues around for women to join after college, so

for many of us, this is the last year to play,” senior psychology major Cristina D’Amelio said.

“It is definitely upsetting to see our final season coming to a close but all of our seniors know that we need to go out with all we’ve got because it’s almost over,” senior business administration major Joslyn Hayes said.

Although the seniors know it’s soon to be the end of their season, they have their mind set on playoffs and winning the PAC.

“Playoffs are going to mean a lot this year. Last year was the first year for any of us to lose the PAC title. I’m confident that this year the team dynamic is much more positive and strong, so we can come out on top again to start a new championship record,” D’Amelio said.

Even with all of their wins this season, coach Jackie Neary is not celebrating just yet.

Hayes said, “Jackie is happy with the wins but still does not place the team as winners just yet. We still have things to work on and teams to beat before we can celebrate anything.”

“They are just as excited and nervous as we are that play-offs are just weeks away,” Sachs said.

PAC playoffs will take place starting Saturday, April 28, depending on the seedings. Times and dates have yet to be announced.

“Despite occasionally having an off-day where things just aren’t going right from the moment you get out of bed, our girls leave that at the door and come in ready to take care of business everyday and that’s what makes our team capable of winning the PAC,” D’Amelio said.

The women’s team ended their PAC season just as they wished with an undefeated PAC record as they powered over the host Arcadia University 16-3 on Monday, April 23.

Now, as the PAC’s top seed, the Cavaliers have earned a bye and will host the lowest remaining seed after Saturday’s quarter-final game.

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Kaitlin Barr

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