It took Adam Sandler about six movies, but he is back and just as funny as ever in his new romantic comedy “Just Go With It.”
With a very impressive supporting cast Sandler pulls off the overall plot of the movie with minor crude humor and a few unqiue lines.
The plot of the movie is the usual guy works with girl, guy doesn’t realize he is in love with the girl. However in this specific case the outcome is not everything that you expect and does leave you hanging for a little while.
The movie begins with Sandler (Danny) in a tux during the 1980’s, and overhears a conversation about how his soon-to-be wife is only marrying him because of his potential as a plastic surgeon.
Distruaught, Danny lets out his emotions at a bar, idlely playing with the wedding band, that should be forever on his left hand.
Then a woman hits on him, and a brilliant idea dawns on him that maybe, pretending to be married and getting girls is probably easier than actually being married.
Fast forward about ten years later and that is exactly what is still happening. He makes it a ritual to hang out at bars and pick up chicks using the divorced line.
Danny is a plastic surgeon with a very impressive resumes. Jennifer Aniston (Katherine) is his worn out looking assistant who acts more like a protective older sister to Danny.
Katherine is constantly telling Danny to kill the act because one day he will eventually come to regret it.