It’s that time of year again. Time to register for those classes that will help you graduate from college. Registration can be a difficult time for some, however, being prepared will help you register with ease.
March 20 is the first day of registration for the summer/fall 2001 semesters. It is senior pre-registration. Junior pre-registration is on March 22, sophomores register on March 26 and 27, while first year students will register on March 29 and 30.
Chad May, registration and reporting coordinator, said, “The best way for registration to go smoothly is for students to be prepared and have a plan.” May also advises students to make sure they talk to their adviser and have one or two alternative courses in mind in case a class that they wanted to take is closed. Another great idea May suggested was for students to check online at under the current class schedules and closed classes. The current class schedule allows students to see how many people are permitted in each section and how many people are already signed up for that particular class. The current class schedule is updated every 60 minutes. The closed classes show the students if the course that they want to take is already closed. This helps the students with planning an alternative. If they see that the class is already closed they will be able to find another course to suit their needs. The closed class schedules are updated every 15 minutes.
“General core courses are the ones that get filled up the quickest,” May said. “Especially the ones in which only one section is offered.” Other than the regular required courses, May said that Philosophy 323: Love, and History 107 and 108: Survey of United States History fill up the fastest.
May also said that senior class members are the easiest for him to register and first year students are the most difficult. It seems the more times students register, the easier it is. It also helps that seniors get first pick in the classes that they need to take in order for them to graduate.
Another problem that students may have while trying to register is having a business hold. Many times when students are trying to register they find out that they are not able to register because of numerous reasons. People who have residence hall charges are unable to register along with those who have unpaid parking tickets, parking permits and those who have not paid their tuition.
So when the time comes, make sure that you are prepared to register. Have alternative classes in case you aren’t able to get in the one that you actually want. Also, make sure that you have your copy of the fall 2001 class schedule that you can pick up in the Registrar’s office. You will have a much smoother registration process and will help those hard workers in the Registrar’s office.