Internships essential before graduation

By Meghan McSloy
September 24, 2009

In order to be successful in securing a job after graduation, it is important that students have an internship. At Cabrini, there are resources that make it simple for students to secure internships that will ultimately bolster their resumes and make them more attractive to future employers.

Nancy Hutchison, director of Co-Op and Career Services, stressed the importance of having internships, especially in the current economy.

“Internships are essential to give practical experience and to be able to apply coursework in the real world,” Hutchison said. “Ideally it’s going to make students more marketable upon graduation.”

Fifty-nine percent of graduating seniors who worked at an internship accepted full-time job offers from their employers. Students looking for an internship are officially eligible to start second semester of their sophomore year. The majority of students, however, opt to begin their junior year.

Due to scheduling and the application process, students must begin looking into potential opportunities a semester ahead of time. Internships are not only available first and second semester, they are also offered over the summer for credit.

In total, students are able to earn up to 12 general elective credits by doing internships as well as receive additional credit through their individual major departments.

Students seeking an internship should possess certain qualities such as being professional, responsible, willing to work hard and be able to go above and beyond the call of duty.

Students who have completed internships have a positive outlook on their work. Senior communication major, Molly Enos, has interned at Pittsburgh Magazine and Power Minders, which is an energy company. “It is good to have hands-on experience versus just classroom learning. Also, it is important to come out of your comfort zone and try new things,” Enos said.

Senior finance and accounting major, Patrick Trencansky, also reflected positively on his internships. Similar to Enos, Trencansky had the opportunity to do several internships within his major. While interning at ING and Merrill Lynch, Trencansky was able to be an assistant to his boss while helping with special assignments and presentations, all while learning how to work in an office setting.

Trencansky said that “being responsible and following through on tasks,” was something important that he gained from his internships.

Trencansky would advise those looking into internships to be persistent and follow through with the employers, as well as work closely with the Co-Op and Career Services office.

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Meghan McSloy

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