Instagram can be a toxic mirror. Instagram has been proven to be the most harmful social media site than any other platform.
Social media plays a huge role in our everyday lives. We are constantly tweeting on Twitter, posting pictures on Instagram, checking in on Facebook every now and then, and posting stories on Snapchat all day long. Social media shapes our lives more than we would like to believe it does. It makes us question who we are and what we think of ourselves.
Social media allows us to stay in touch with those who we don’t see every day, get the latest scoop on celebrity gossip, and connect with people or groups who share common interests. Although social media can provide these benefits, it has many negatives.
It can be hard on our mental health. Many social media users are falling victim to feeling like they’re not meeting social media’s idea of beauty standards. According to the International OCD Foundation, Body Dysmorphic Disorder is becoming more prominent and solemn. For those of you wondering what BDD is, it’s a mental disorder when a person obsesses over a perceived physical flaw.
BDD is a very serious mental disorder and can lead to other disorders if not addressed. People have become so dependent on the number of likes they receive to make themselves feel good enough. Plastic surgery is a new trend.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2018 there were more than 17.7 cosmetic procedures done in the U.S. Americans have spent more than $16.5 billion on cosmetic plastic surgery. 99% of doctors believe social media has played a huge role as to why people seek plastic surgery.
Not only is the plastic surgery industry profiting from our insecurities, but the makeup industry is too. The makeup industry is worth $445 billion today.
Last semester I conducted a pilot study on campus to get into the heads of Cabrini students to analyze if and how Instagram affected their body image. Through this study, I found that Instagram did have a negative impact on the way students feel about themselves.
Not only did it have an effect on females, but it also affected male students as well with 40% of my respondents being male. The male patient population is increasing, with more and more men seeking plastic surgery.
What drove me to research negative body image through Instagram, was how technology is reshaping the meaning of beauty. I wanted to analyze the negativity that Instagram has on body image.
After extensive research, I found that Instagram is currently testing an Instagram without visible likes. This means the owner of the account will be the only person who is able to view how many likes they received. Followers won’t be able to see how many likes another user has on their photo.
Instagram is hoping this will diminish the amount of negativity the platform brings to its users. Instagram is also considering removing or restricting social media influencers. This may hurt social media influencers who make a living from Instagram, but this will help everyone to feel as though they are just as good as the person receiving 10,000 likes on one photo.
There is no expected release date for these changes and they may not even happen, but it’s good to know that Instagram is working toward a healthier mission for the platform.
Regardless, it’s important for users to remember that social media lives aren’t real lives. Don’t believe everything on Instagram and don’t let it define beauty.