Sexual script – pre-existing way for getting together. Humans don’t invent the way they get together, but rather follow a pattern of norms, also referred to as a script.
Hooking up script – the norms for getting together in the realm of hooking up.
The dating culture is backwards. It used to be mental interaction before physical. This behavior has reversed in the majority of society.
On a college campus
In the 1950s – guy will initiate date. He’ll ask the girl and pick the place. He’ll pay for the date. He’ll hold the door for the young woman.
In the 2000s – guy and girl meet at party, often involving alcohol, and sexual activity occurs.
Creeping – the act of hitting on someone in hopes of a purely sexual outcome; term often used when one of the subjects is already in a relationship.
Courting – to seek love and affection from another in hopes of courtship.
Dating vs. hooking up
Dating is a more of verbalized interest in a public setting while hooking up is initiated through body language and subtle signals.